Gates Foundation Received Billions Of Euros In Funding From German Government

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community
Bill Gates

In response to a parliamentary inquiry it has been revealed that the German Government has funded several Gates Foundation projects to the tune of 3.8 billion euros.

Following an information request by MPs from the parliamentary group DIE LINKE , the Federal government replied saying hat German taxpayer funds were being used to finance multiple projects and programs by international foundations such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Wellcome Trust. 

The funds have been directed towards various projects and programs related to globalist initiatives, including population control programs and the UN Agenda 2030.

LifeSite News reports: The Gates Foundation is the biggest private foundation in the world, holding assets woth $ 67.3 billion. 

After receiving almost no media coverage initially, an analysis of the 117-page document by the German Website Transparenztest (Tt) drew attention to the scandalous revelation.  

According to Tt’s analysis, the German government funded 31 projects and programs in which the Gates Foundation was involved, while in 24 of those initiatives, the organization was the sole recipient of the funds. 

In its reply, the federal government justified its financial support of the Gates Foundation and other multi-billion dollar private foundations by citing its commitment to the globalist U.N. Agenda 2030

“The Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development explicitly emphasizes that the active involvement of private actors is indispensable for achieving the global Sustainable Development Goals (cf. SDG 17, among others),” the response by the German government reads. “The mandate for appropriate cooperation with these actors is also derived from this.” 

The German government also stated that it “sees no need” to limit “the influence of private foundations in general.” Instead, the government praised the Gates Foundation because it “contributes valuable impulses and ideas,” further confirming the suspicion that the group has a significant influence on government decisions. 

Financing abortion, population control, and medical tyranny 

Among the numerous programs the German government funds, many are pushing abortion, destructive “net zero” and climate change policies, population control in Africa, or advancing the medical security state. 

For instance, the German federal government gave 20.6 million euros to a Gates Foundation project called “Investment in Health Data Systems and Quality of Care for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health in Malawi,” which aims at “strengthening the health system with a focus on reproductive health.” 

As is commonly known, whenever globalist organizations speak of “reproductive health,” this always includes legal access to abortion and contraception. 

The German government further finances projects to “educate” children and teenagers in Malawi and Uganda about “reproductive health,” i.e., abortion and contraception, presumably to prevent people in Africa from having “too many” children and to fight the alleged “overpopulation” of the world. 

Moreover, the reply to the parliamentary request reveals that the German state funded Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, which was founded by the WHO, UNICEF, the Gates Foundation, and The World Bank, with an amount of 600 million euros. The government also financed the “Pandemic Fund,” which aims to prepare for future pandemics, to the tune of 119 million euros. 

The government states in the document that it wants to “gradually increase the mandatory contributions of Member States to ultimately be able to sustainably finance 50 percent of WHO’s base budget with predictable and unrestricted funds” to increase the “WHO’s financial independence.” 

While it may sound good at first to reduce the influence of private investors like the Gates Foundation, giving the WHO “unrestricted funds” may also grant the globalist body more power to operate freely, which could prove detrimental to the world’s population if the draconian pandemic treaty and the amendments to the International Health Regulations are introduced in 2024 as planned. 

Another item on the globalist agenda is replacing cash with digital currencies. The German government also seems to support this goal, as it is financially supporting the BMFG-funded U.N. project “Better Than Cash Alliance,” which seeks to “accelerate[s] the transition from cash to responsible digital payments to advance the Sustainable Development Goals.” 

The document furthermore showed that German government representatives regularly met with delegates from the Gates Foundation, Georg Soros’ Open Society Foundations, the Wellcome Trust, and other international foundations. 

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15207 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.