Vicar’s Son Claims He Was Raped By Westminster VIP Pedophile Gang Including Edward Heath & Jimmy Savile

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An alleged fantasist, who has been accused of lying about VIP child sex abuse, continues to stand by his story.

51 year old Carl Beech, previously known by the pseudonym Nick, continued to insist that he was sexually abused and tortured by a pedophile gang that included Army chiefs, politicians and Jimmy Savile.

Beech, who is on trial for perverting the course of justice and fraud, took to the witness box for the first time on Wednesday and told jurors that he was used as a human dartboard and was given electric shocks by his alleged abusers.

The Mail Online reports: He also told Newcastle Crown Court that the former head of MI5, Sir Michael Hanley, threatened to make him ‘disappear if I didn’t do as I was told and no one would care’.

Repeating a claim he first made to police in 2014, Beech described how the ex-chief of the security service kidnapped his dog as a warning to comply with the paedophile ring’s wishes. 

Beech alleged that Sir Edward Heath was also part of the gang. 

He claimed the former prime minister said he ‘used to run the country’ when they met at the private members’ Carlton Club in central London. 

In more than three hours of testimony, former health service manager Beech asserted that serial paedophile Savile – whom he said he recognised from his voice and mannerisms – raped him over a bath and held his head underwater.  

He also repeated hotly-contested allegations he made to police in 2014 that former armed forces chief Field Marshal Edwin Bramall, now 95, was one of his abusers. 

D-Day veteran Lord Bramall described his accusations as ‘monstrous’ after Scotland Yard officers raided his home and interviewed him under caution in 2015.

From the witness box, Beech also reasserted his previous claims against two more celebrated Army chiefs, Field Marshal Sir Roland Gibbs and General Sir Hugh Beach. 

Via videolink to the court last week Sir Hugh, now 96, described the allegations as ‘beyond grotesque’.

Beech’s allegations against a number of high-profile figures, who also include ex-home secretary Leon Brittan and former Tory MP Harvey Proctor, were described as ‘credible and true’ by Scotland Yard at the start of its £2million investigation into his claims. The investigation ended after 16 months with no arrests or charges.   

Prosecutor Tony Badenoch QC has said that Beech’s allegations that a group of powerful figures sexually abused and murdered three boys in the 1970s and 1980s were ‘incredible and untrue’.

Beech, a father of one from Gloucester, denies 12 counts of perverting the course of justice and one of fraud.

Yesterday, seven weeks after the trial began, he told jurors how he was first molested as a child. 

Beech said he was physically and sexually abused by his stepfather Major Ray Beech immediately after he and his mother Charmian, now a retired vicar, moved into the officer’s Wiltshire home in the mid-1970s.

He was taken to a wildlife park by his stepfather, accompanied by a friend, John, and John’s stepfather, also an Army officer.

‘John and I were taken into the toilets by our respective stepfathers,’ he told the jury, and raped for the first time.

‘I did not know what was happening. I tried to struggle and scream and I could not.’

He was later taken to Erskine Barracks by his stepfather, who is now dead. Beech told the jury: ‘He took me into offices, I don’t know whether they were his or whose offices it was. 

‘There was one man in the office and I was introduced to General [now Lord] Bramall. Before that I didn’t know who he was.

‘He asked my stepfather to leave, or to wait outside rather.

‘I wasn’t in there for very long and he touched my head and he touched my body. I had to undress and then had to dress again. He didn’t say anything, nothing at all.

‘We left to go home, my stepfather was happy, he said I had done well but I don’t know what I did but he seemed in a lighter mood I suppose, which I wasn’t used to seeing.’

He said he then met Lord Bramall again at a house ‘within a few days’ of the first incident.

Beech said: ‘My stepfather took me. We went into the back living room area. General Bramall was there, there were two other people who I was introduced to and another person, I don’t know who he was.

‘They were all dressed in suits, not in Army uniform. At the time of this incident I didn’t know who they were.

‘My stepfather introduced me. I later discovered they were Generals Gibbs and Beach.  

‘I was asked to undress and turn around I suppose for want of a better word and then dress again. It was my stepfather who asked me to undress.’

He claimed he was later raped by Lord Bramall, an allegation that the former Armed Forces chief emphatically denied to police as ‘preposterous’.

No charges were brought against him. He is too unwell to attend Beech’s trial.

Detailing alleged torture, Beech claimed former MI5 boss Sir Michael Hanley and Sir Maurice Oldfield, a former head of MI6, used him as a human dartboard at Imber, a deserted village on Salisbury Plain.

He said: ‘Michael Hanley was someone to take notice of, he seemed important but no emotion at all. I remember the threats [from Sir Michael Hanley] more than anything.’

He said he only spoke rarely to Sir Maurice Oldfield.

Beech continued: ‘They wanted to humiliate, to scare and to inflict pain.

‘There was sexual abuse as well. I don’t think Michael or Maurice did anything at that stage. Michael didn’t physically do it himself, just instigated it. It was stabbing in the feet and the hands. I had darts thrown at me. I was the dartboard in effect.

‘And electrocution as well. They held up these wires which sparked when they touched.

‘They put them against me. My knees initially and then between my legs. It was a different form of pain, just excruciating pain, like you would explode.’

Beech said he moved to Kingston upon Thames in south west London with his mother, but the VIP paedophile ring, which he called ‘The Group’, found him again. He realised this when he was approached by Sir Michael as he walked home from school.

Beech told the jury: ‘He said it wasn’t over, they hadn’t finished with me. It carried on and I had to be at a certain place for the next meeting.’ He said Sir Michael punished him for missing an abuse ‘meeting’, with The Group kidnapping his dog Heron when ‘she was out on a walk with my mum and her auntie’.

‘Michael told me the dog had gone because I’d failed to turn up,’ he told jurors. ‘He said they had got her and it was a lesser punishment for not remembering what I should have remembered and being where I should have been.

‘He spoke to me as I was just going or coming from school. He said it was a warning and I wasn’t to forget again, and if I did then she would not come back.

‘She did come back. We got a call from a local police station saying she had been found or handed in and we went to get her.’

Beech told the court how Sir Edward met him at London’s exclusive Carlton Club and called himself ‘Edward’.

‘He told me he used to run the country. That meant nothing at all to me at that stage,’ Beech said.

‘It was probably not until my 20s or so that I realised what that meant. There were other people there but he was on his own in a room at the back.

‘Harvey [Proctor], Leon [Brittan] and Michael [Hanley] were definitely there. They were separate. 

‘I only saw Edward Heath and Harvey Proctor together once.’

Mr Thompson asked: ‘What about Harvey Proctor?’ Beech said he had to perform a sex act on the former Tory MP but Sir Edward stopped Mr Proctor ‘hurting me’, adding: ‘He was going to use a knife but he was told not to by Edward Heath.’

He said Mr Proctor was ‘one of the more regular ones in London’ who abused him.

Earlier in the trial, Mr Proctor described Beech’s claims as ‘utter balderdash’ and the ‘ravings of a fantasist’ that had led to him losing his home and job. 

He and Sir Edward disliked each other and would never have been in each other’s company, he said.

Beech was asked by defence barrister Collingwood Thompson QC when he first met Savile. 

He replied: ‘At a meeting of The Group, as I call them, in Bicester [Oxfordshire], or at a house in that area.

‘It was his voice, his mannerisms, I am not sure it had sunk in at that stage. I had seen him on TV, I used to watch Jim’ll Fix It, part of your brain thinks it couldn’t possibly have been him. 

‘He was there as a guest because they said they were having a guest. They didn’t say Jimmy Savile, just a guest.’

He alleged Savile raped him ‘over the bath… there was water in it’.

He said he told his mother nothing, saying: ‘I assumed at the time that she knew.’

The trial continues.

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.