Wasserman Schultz Goes Into Hiding After Detective Links Her To Murder

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Wasserman Schultz has lawyered up and gone into hiding after detective Rod Wheeler linked her to a murder case.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz has lawyered up and gone into hiding after homicide detective Rod Wheeler linked her to a high profile murder case.

Detective Wheeler, who was hired by the family of Seth Rich to investigate his murder, sent out two bombshell tweets on Thursday, inferring that Debbie Wasserman Schultz is the smoking gun linking Seth Rich’s murder to the Awan brothers and the DNC.

Two weeks after Wassmerman Schultz “went ballistic” and threatened a DC Police Chief who wanted to analyze her computer equipment, her IT staffer Imran Awan was arrested while trying to flee the country at Dulles airport. Wassermann Schultz is now in “full meltdown mode”, according to reports, and the Florida Congresswoman cannot be contacted.

This all came to a head in July 2016, while the DNC was holding its convention to crown Hillary Clinton as its presidential nominee. The big breaking story was that the DNC had been hacked, and when the highly unflattering leaks hit the internet via WikiLeaks, the trail of breadcrumbs led back to Wasserman Schultz who was forced to resigned in disgrace.

Then, in February 2017, the Awan brothers story hit the news, and they were summarily fired by the DNC.

The Awan brothers moved out of their house in Virginia immediately and rented it out to a Marine who stated he found smashed computers strewn around the place.

[A] Marine Corps veteran married to a female Navy Officer — said he found ‘wireless routers, hard drives that look like they tried to destroy, laptops, [and] a lot of brand new expensive toner,’” reported The Daily Caller. The Capitol Police started an investigation, which caused Wasserman Schultz to threaten the Capitol Police Chief. Looking like a woman possessed, she told him that “there will be consequences” if her computers were not returned.

Obviously intent on hiding whatever the Awan brothers were up to, Wassermann Schultz even kept their ringleader Imran Awan on her payroll after he was fired by the DNC. She only fired him on Tuesday after he was arrested while trying to escape the U.S.

Now, we come to the bombshell accusation made by Detective Rod Wheeler. One thing must be clearly pointed out first – Wasserman Schultz, at this point, is involved in a cover-up for the Awan brothers. She is protecting Muslim men who hacked into the DNC server and obtained classified information from the Senate Intel Committee.

[Three Attorneys Found Dead In Wasserman Schultz’s Florida District In Two Weeks]

Mad World New reports: Rod Wheeler is a retired veteran homicide detective hired by the family of murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich, who was a subordinate of Debbie Wasserman Schultz at the time of his death. Wheeler has uncovered that, while the Awan brothers were hacking into the DNC servers, Rich was emailing WikiLeaks.

Rod Wheeler, a private investigator hired by the Rich family, suggests there is tangible evidence on Rich’s laptop that confirms he was communicating with WikiLeaks prior to his death,” reported Fox 5 News.

Wheeler has now uncovered direct ties between Wasserman Schultz, Imran Awan and Seth Rich – and he’s urging us to “connect the dots” and “stay tuned.”

Wheeler’s first tweet at 4:32 am has a huge pic of Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and it’s about her good buddy Imran Awan fleeing the country. His second tweet, only 15 minutes later, is telling us to follow the arrest of Awan and “connect the dots” to other cases. The dots include Wasserman Schultz, allegedly involved in a conspiracy with the DNC and Hillary Clinton to cover-up the real hackers of the DNC, the Awan brothers who were paid 4 million dollars by the DNC, and the suspicious death of Seth Rich.

I have a source inside the police department that has looked at me straight in the eye and said, ‘Rod, we were told to stand down on this case and I can’t share any information with you.’ Now, that is highly unusual for a murder investigation, especially from a police department. Again, I don’t think it comes from the chief’s office, but I do believe there is a correlation between the mayor’s office and the DNC and that is the information that will come out soon,” said Wheeler back in May 2017.

It’s looking like Wasserman Schultz is the linchpin linking Rich’s murder, the DNC, Clinton campaign, and the Awan brothers. She’s involved with all three as the former Chairman of the DNC. Her threatening behavior toward the Capitol Police Chief was bizarre, but now, it is making sense. Debbie Wasserman Schultz has now lawyered up and has gone into hiding, but hiding won’t make Detective Wheeler or these incredible accusations go away.

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.