Within 10 Years It Will Be Possible For Human Babies To Be Grown In Artificial Wombs

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Welcome to ” The Brave New World”…
In his foreword to the novel’s 1946 edition, Aldous Huxley wrote: “Technically . . . we are still a long way from bottled babies . . . ”

But scientists are now saying that it will be possible for human babies to be born using artificial wombs within the next decade….

Dr. Carlo Bulletti , an associate professor at Yale University’s obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive science department, has predicted that Ectogenesis, the term given to the process of gestating a pregnancy outside the uterus, could be used in the next ten years.

Truththeory reports: There are still concerns about how a pregnancy like this would impact the health and mental development of the baby, considering the importance of bonding, but many experts insist that artificial births are the future.

In a recent interview with Metro, Dr. Anna Smajdor, associate professor of practical philosophy at the University of Oslo, explained that bonding can happen mentally, but did not address whether or not this could cause developmental issues for the baby.

“Many arguments have been made about the necessity of gestation and childbirth for bonding. Although it may be true that the physical closeness between mother and baby facilitate bonding, it is certainly not true that it is necessary for bonding. If it were, fathers would have no claim to be bonded with their children. Not just this, but it is becoming increasingly clear that traumatic births actually impede maternal bonding, rather than the other way round,” Smajdor said.

“With developments in technology, increasingly, parents describe the moments of special bonding as being when they see the first scans. So this seems to imply that it is a visual connection that is regarded as being important rather than the physical one per se. Ectogenesis could actually facilitate this kind of visual bonding,” she added.

In an article for Wired, Tech writer Matt Chessen said that people in the future will find traditional pregnancy unappealing.

Most future folk will find pregnancy – especially the delivery of an infant through a birth canal – messy and risky,’ technologist and author Matt Chessen wrote in Wired. ‘Creating a baby inside another human being is hazardous. The child’s health is dependent on the mother’s physical security as she navigates the world, and the fetus is susceptible to infections, poor nutrition, and other threats.” Chessen said.

Some researchers in the field have been even bolder than Bulletti with their predictions.

Last year, academic Elizabeth Chloe Romanis wrote in the BMJ’s Journal Of Medical Ethics that, “It seems probable that we are only several years away from testing on human subjects.”

Dr. Alan Flake, of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, which carried out the most famous Ectogenesis experiment, believes that we could be just a year or two away from seeing this technology in FDA trials.

“We’re in the process of interacting with the [US Food And Drug Administration] FDA, so it’s not impossible that we could be doing a clinical trial one to two years from now,” Flake said.

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15206 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.