Woman Could Face 10 Years Jail For Giving Thirsty Pigs A Drink

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thirsty pigs

Animal welfare activist Anita Krajnc just couldn’t stand the sight of pigs sweltering on a hot June day while being transferred in trucks to slaughterhouses.

She usually intervenes and starts watering the thirsty pigs.  But her concern for thirsty pigs has landed the Canadian activist with the threat of a 10 year prison term.

The Telegraph reports:

What was meant as a humanitarian gesture has now left Ms Krajnc facing the threat of up to 10 years in a Canadian jail or a potential fine of nearly £2,500.

On Monday, the latest chapter in what is becoming a global cause celebre for animal rights activists will be played out at a court in Milton, Ontario, when a judge will set a trial date for Ms Krajnc, who has been charged with “criminal mischief”.

Under Canadian law, pigs are treated as property and can be transported for up to 36 hours without food, water or rest.

thirsty pigs
Anita Krajnc

That is not good enough for Ms Krajnc, 48, who earns her living as a consultant on a number of animal welfare projects and runs Toronto Pig Save.

Vegan Gains YouTube video:

thirsty pigs
Anita Krajnc

The group stands by the roadside in wait for passing pig trucks, and then pokes water and fruit through the slats in the trailer. However, those involved in the pig transportation industry say the group’s activities risk endangering the pigs and can also pose a road safety hazard.

Matters came to a head on June 22 when a driver working for Van Boekel Hog Farms was carrying a pig trailer, into which Ms Krajnc and her supporters poked water bottles.

There was a confrontation with the truck driver, who demanded she stop watering the pigs.

The following day, Ms Krajnc was told by police that there had been a complaint against her.

thirsty pigsAccording to court documents, Ms Krajnc sprayed “an unknown liquid into the trailer where the hogs were situated”.

1 Comment

  1. At the end of this age, before Christ returns, demonic entities will come and herd many humans like cattle. The ones who eat animals and treat animals and children as less than they are, will have to experience the same for themselves. The most devolved/demonic among you feel the most superior over you who do have souls, and over animals and children. They are all backwards and in reverse, devolving away from what is of God into what is not of God. That is why such people, in the religion of satanism/freemasonry do the exact opposite of what Christ teaches, to help humans to evolve, and become more loving and life-giving as he is, all good. The freemasons have no good in them, they only poison, torture and destroy life, and drink the blood and flesh of babies they torture for adrenochrome. Animals are tortured before slaughter to put adrenochrome into their blood, that people eat. People who eat meat are eating adrenochrome. For the first 300 years after Christ was crucified and also during his own time on earth, Christians were all Vegetarians. There is a reason they do not want you to know this. The ancient Tibetan prophecies of the future we are now living in tell of the Lizard creatures=demonic entities of Hell, coming and herding humans like Cattle, at the end of this world. Buddhists, Hindu and Jain religions know not to eat animals but to love them. In the old testament, God giving man “dominion over animals” meant, to treat animals as God loves and cares for us. That is evolution higher. The strong care for and protect and give life-giving support, to the more weak and helpless. In satanism and the lies they tell you are evolution but are not=the strong dominate and abuse the weaker, that is devolution. You will only get to heaven if you evolve higher and become more in the image of God. During this age, the Kali Yuga, you have been devolving into the image and likeness of what is not God, what is of the devil and Hell. I pity the people who abuse animals. If there are difficulties, hardships and misery in your lives, it is Karma from what you have done (control, cruelty, killing or eating) to animals or children. Treating other life as things you own. If you Love any living thing, you give it free will. If you do not Love them, God cannot love you either, because you have chosen to be like Lucifer treats you, then you belong to Lucifer. Once you belong to Lucifer, you have no free will, under Lucifer’s control, seek to take away and use as things all other living beings around you for him. If you choose to treat the more weak and helpless like God treats you with love and mercy, then and only then, are you a child of God. That is the truth. The law of one. The law of reality for all creation, you get back what you give. All you freemasons have children like Hunter, who they abused. They are also as self destructive in all ways, to themselves as they are to all of you. They do not have the capacity to Love, only to hate and destroy life=psychopaths. However you do not see it because when they lose their souls, in its place is EGO, pride. They feel superior even though the truth is without souls, they are just animals, demonic ones, the children of Lucifer. Animals on the other hand, especially mammals like you are evolving into humans and they do have souls and a great capacity to Love. The more evolved a creature is, the greater its capacity to love is. That is why there are animals in Heaven. When you lose your soul in freemasonry, you lose any capacity to evolve, because you no longer can love, yourself or anyone else. You can only do what Lucifer does, Hate God insist you are superior to God and control and dominate in fear all life around you, until you destroy it totally. You become life-killing energy. You go straight to Hell when you die. Or you could be like that woman and do the opposite. So the sheep and the goats will be divided, before the arrival of Jesus Christ, very soon.

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