Breaking: Associated Press: “Israel Says Mortar Fired From Gaza”

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community

Breaking News (updated):  According to multiple sources (link):  “Gaza mortar shell lands in Israel for first time since cease-fire.

A mortar shell fired from the Gaza Strip landed in Israeli territory on Tuesday, the first time since the end of the recent war between Israel and the Palestinian factions in Gaza, the Israel Defense Forces confirmed.

There was no word of injuries or damages.

The shell exploded in an open area near the Gaza border, opposite a town in the Eshkol Regional Council, Channel 2 reported.

Earlier on Tuesday, Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon said that fighting would not resume with the Gaza Strip at the end of this month, despite the difficulties in reaching a permanent Israel-Hamas cease-fire agreement.

Ya’alon made the remarks in a conversation with army reporters at the headquarters in Tel Aviv, in response to a question about the situation in the Gaza Strip. He added that Israeli deterrence in the wake of Operation Protective Edge this summer was strong, and he said he hoped that if a solution could be found via Egyptian mediation that would allow reconstruction of the Strip to begin and would fulfill some of Hamas’ demands – this might ensure a relatively long period of quiet.

The Gaza war, known in Israel as Operation Protective Edge, ended with a cease-fire between the sides which came into effect on August 26.

According to the IDF, during 50 days of fighting between Israel and the Palestinian factions 4,562 rockets and mortar shells were fired from the Gaza Strip, 3,641 of which exploded in Israeli territory, 224 of which fell in built-up areas.”


Royce Christyn
About Royce Christyn 3440 Articles
Documentarian, Writer, Producer, Director, Author.