Brexit Could Lead To World War Says David Cameron

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Boris Johnson said that David Cameron does not believe his own claim about Brexit increasing the chances of war

David Cameron

British prime minister David Cameron has warned that peace in Europe could be at risk if Britain votes to leave the European Union

He believes that Europe is keeping UK safe and pleaded for Britain to stay in the EU to help prevent the continent being ripped apart by another conflict.

The Tory leader warned that many threats to stability still remain, from a “newly belligerent Russia” to the so-called Islamic State and the migration crisis. “Our threat level is now at severe, which means a terrorist attack is highly likely.

Despite Cameron’s warning that Breixt it could trigger World War 3, Downing Street has admitted that the government has no contingency plans for Brexit

According to the Mirror:

Today’s statement came just hours after the Prime Minister issued a doom-laden warning about the dangers of leaving the EU.

In a key speech at the British Museum, the PM claimed: “Can we be so sure peace and stability on our continent are assured beyond any shadow of doubt? Is that a risk worth taking?

“I would never be so rash to make that assumption.”

Yet his officials openly say there are no contingency plans for Brexit anywhere in the government.

The statement is likely to fuel anger from Leave campaigners – who already accuse the Prime Minister of over-exaggerating the dangers of a Leave vote on June 23.

A Downing Street spokesman told journalists at an official briefing: “The government has a position which is that we should vote to remain and we are not contingency planning.”

Asked if there was no planning whatsoever, he said: “That is the government’s position yes.”

Meanwhile the former mayor of London Boris Johnson says Brexit ‘would not lead to world war three and said that scaremongering of this kind was unpatriotic.

The Guardian reports:

Johnson said that David Cameron himself did not believe Cameron’s claim about Brexit increasing the chances of war. Asked about this in the Q&A he said:

I don’t think the prime minister can seriously believe that leaving the EU would trigger war on the European continent given that he was prepared only a few months ago to urge that people should vote leave if they failed to get a substantially reformed European Union. We have not got a substantially reformed European Union …

I think it is very, very curious that the prime minister is now calling this referendum and warning us that world war three is about to break out unless we vote to remain. I think that is not the most powerful argument I’ve heard.

He said scaremongering of this kind was unpatriotic.

The biggest single threat that I can see is that people on the Remain camp will continue to run scare stories about world war three, or bubonic plague, or whatever it happens to be, and they may in the end inadvertently do material damage to people’s confidence about this country.



Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15119 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.