Church Teaches White Pupils They Benefit From ‘The Systematic Oppression Of People Of Colour’

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C of E school

Pupils at Church of England schools are reportedly being taught that they benefit from white privilege, a report has found.

Teachers from schools in the Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich have been told to teach their pupils that they “benefit from the systematic oppression of People of Colour through racist policies and practice”.

The Telegraph reports: Teaching guidance issued by the diocese, which oversees 87 schools, states that pupils should learn that white privilege means they are “the dominant representation on all media”, “no one questions your citizenship”, “you may have inherited power and wealth”, and “your actions aren’t perceived to be those of your entire race”.

It adds: “To combat white privilege, keep learning about what it is, amplify the voices of People of Colour, be more than just ‘not racist’ but actively ‘anti-racist’ and confront racial injustices even when it feels uncomfortable.”

The guidance on responding to racism also states that pupils should learn about the “white supremacy pyramid” to show “how bias, stereotypes and prejudice can lead to racist words and actions, leading to physical harm and death”.

It adds: “Systemic racism exists in inequalities of wealth, education, employment, housing and health”.

The diocese’s teaching guidance has emerged as part of a report by the campaign group Don’t Divide Us on how critical race theory is being taught in schools.

Of 49 third-party organisations providing teacher training or resources for schools, 48 were promoting contested political beliefs around race theory as fact, the research found.

Nigel Genders, the Church of England’s Chief Education Officer, said:

Racism exists in our society, and both children and staff experience racism in schools every day.

The Church of England is committed to addressing racial injustice and we encourage children in our schools to be courageous advocates for equality and to challenge prejudice without political partiality.

Our aim is to resource and lead learning experiences for all children which consistently and intentionally celebrate equity, diversity, belonging, inclusion and justice at every opportunity, and to ensure that staff and children can flourish irrespective of ethnicity.

Just the latest evidence that the CofE has really bought all the woke race stuff and clearly doesn’t care that it alienates many of its core supporters. It’s hard to see how disappearing down the anti-white rabbit-hole of Critical Race Theory can do anything other than accelerate its decline.

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.