Elementary School Gives 8 Yr Old Boys ‘Puberty Kits’ Including Pantiliners & Maxi Pads

Fact checked
puberty kits

Connecticut parents are outraged after elementary school students were shown a video discussing gender identity without their knowledge and sent home with puberty kits.

Parents at the Wells Road Intermediate school in Granby, say their 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders were shown the video, in which children discuss identifying outside the gender binary and wave pride flags around.

“Pride means you should be able to be free. All my life I never really felt like a boy and I don’t really feel like a girl. So I’d rather be both” according to one child in the video called Simon who identifies as he/they.

The Mail Online reports: Many parents believe their children are too young to be learning about these topics and claim they were not warned about the Pride month programming in advance.

One parent shared that their child were given puberty kit, and also claimed her son had been sent home with pantiliners and maxi pads.

Another parent, Kyle Reyes, who has four kids under the age of nine, has decided to pull them out of the Granby School District.

‘These are conversations that if anyone is going to have with their kids it should be the parents having with their kids,’ he told Eyewitness News 3.

‘When I saw the video I was extremely disturbed,’ he said, adding that ‘parents are starting to come out of the woodwork and it’s time to start fighting back.’

The outlet showed the video to a mother at the school pickup line on Monday afternoon, who reacted with some trepidation in terms of the subject matter.

‘They needed to get parents’ permission to show their children that,’ she said. ‘We should’ve been told so we can have a conversation at home and not be thrown off guard this way.’

Stephen Davis, who was picking up his eight-year-old granddaughter said: ‘There was nothing warning us. They don’t have to worry about being an adult when they’re eight-years-old.’

The school superintendent’s office is now handling concerned calls from parents.

The office, headed by Dr. Jordan Grossman, claims the video is designed for two-to-twelve-year-olds.


  1. No Parents should be more proactive and they should be talking to their children about the real world and sex and openly and honestly without judgemental rhetorical subjective biases at all. They should be open and honest about human behaviours that are as old as Mankind.

  2. These parents are not reacting the way parents should. Except for the guy that pulled his kids out of school. The others… “we should have been warned”, “we would have had a conversation about it at home first”. I say BS, there is no conversation, parents need to be in control!! Schools have no business teaching kids about this crap. Stand up as parents, as adults and start doing the right thing, raise your children with morals and the ability to think critically. The younger generations stand for nothing, they have no moral code, no character, no backbone. If you do not teach your kids, don’t be surprised when they turn on you.

    • Most parents today have been doing drugs since they were about 8 years old. Their parents were smoking pot at least, while they were bottle feeding or even breast feeding them.
      Their grand parents were doing acid smoking pit shooting speed and heroin, smoking opium when they were being conceived.
      You have to be realistic and not think the world was the Brady Bunch or the Partridge family.

  3. All of this “feelings” business emerged from England’s Romantic Era. People were more concrete, less abstract before. After they all became air heads.

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