Gaetz Pushes To Strip Security Clearance From FBI Agents Who ‘Lost’ Hunter Biden’s Laptop

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The FBI agents tasked with investigating Hunter Biden’s infamous “Laptop from Hell” have conveniently managed to “mislay” the device.

Luckily for those interested in national security and justice, there are hard copies of the laptop and Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla) has entered a copy into the Congressional record.

Gaetz got into a heated spat over the whereabouts of Hunter Biden’s laptop during a House Judiciary hearing on oversight of the FBI’s Cyber Division on Tuesday. 

The Republican firebrand used his allotted time to grill the FBI assistant director Bryan Vorndran, who repeatedly told Gaetz he had no idea where the hard drive belonging to Joe Biden’s troubled son is currently located.

DailyMail report: At one point Gaetz tried to enter the hard drive into the Congressional record but was blocked by House Judiciary Chair Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.), who changed his mind a short while later.

‘Sir, I’m not here to talk about the laptop. I’m here to talk about the FBI’s cyber program,’ Vorndran told Gaetz after the lawmaker asked where it was.

The congressman, visibly irritated, tries again. 

‘You are the assistant director of FBI cyber. I want to know where Hunter Biden’s laptop is. Where is it?’ he pressed.

The FBI official replied, ‘Sir, I don’t know that answer.’

Gaetz called Vorndran’s claim ‘astonishing.’

‘Has FBI cyber assessed whether Hunter Biden’s laptop could be a point of vulnerability, allowing America’s enemies to hurt our country?’ the lawmaker asked.   

Republicans  have been demanding answers after the New York Times claimed to have authenticated a hard drive purportedly belonging to the president’s only living son — more than a year after the New York Post was widely criticized for reporting on the contents of that same computer. had also authenticated the information at a time when many on the left wing were dismissing it as Russian disinformation.

The hard drive came from a MacBook reportedly belonging to Hunter Biden, that was left in a Delaware repair shop but never recovered. Within it is a vast tranche of emails and other documents relating to Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings as well as lewd images depicting sex acts and drug use.  

Despite Vorndran on Tuesday insisting the laptop does not fall into his division’s purview, Gaetz pressed on: ‘I mean, Hunter Biden’s password on his laptop was ‘hunter02.’

‘And now you’re telling me right here that as the assistant director of FBI Cyber, you don’t know where this is after it was turned over to you three years ago,’ he added.

Vorndran said that was an ‘accurate statement.’

‘How are Americans supposed to trust that you can protect us from the next Colonial Pipeline if you can’t locate a laptop that was given to you three years ago from the first family potentially creating vulnerabilities for our country?’ Gaetz thundered.

He was referencing a massive cyberattack by a Russian-linked group that took down the largest fuel pipeline in the US in May 2021, temporarily leading to gas shortages and pain at the pump for much of the East Coast.

A frustrated Vorndran ended up telling Gaetz it was ‘not in the realm of my responsibilities to deal with the questions you’re asking.’

‘We can do this back-and-forth for the next couple of minutes. I don’t have any information about the Hunter Biden laptop,’ the FBI official said.

They also disagreed on whether the hard drive constituted a ‘cyber asset.’

Gaetz, who is currently being investigated for sex trafficking allegations, told Vorndran: ‘You can’t even sit here right now and say that you know there’s not a point of vulnerability.’

‘Is the first family sufficient cyber infrastructure to protect? You don’t even know if they’re compromised.’

The Republican turned his attention to Nadler, holding up what he claimed to be a hard drive from the president’s son’s laptop, and asked for it to be entered into the record.

Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.), seated next to Gaetz, appeared to nod in approval. 

‘I’m not –‘ Nadler begins to say before conferring with an aide. 

The chairman then said he would object to Gaetz’s motion.

‘What’s the basis of that objection?’ the Florida lawmaker challenged. 

Nadler, speaking over Gaetz’s objections, said: ‘It may very well be entered into the record after we look at it further.’

After what Gaetz called a ‘consultation with majority staff,’ Nadler relented and allowed the hard drive to be entered into the record ‘without objection.

On the same day Gaetz introduced a resolution aimed at stripping the security clearances of 51 intelligence experts who branded the laptop a ‘Russian disinformation’ effort in a 2020 letter.

The ‘Spook Who Cried Wolf Resolution’ would pull security clearances from former top government officials like ex-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former CIA Director Leon Panetta — both of whom signed onto the letter.

The effort is also backed by Reps. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.), Dan Bishop (R-N.C.), Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.), Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) and Thomas Massie (R-Ky.). 

Last week House GOP Conference Chair Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.), the third-most powerful Republican in Congress’ lower chamber, promised to subpoena Hunter Biden if her party took back control of Congress in November’s midterm elections.

‘The American people absolutely deserve answers,’ Stefanik told the New York Post on Saturday.

She said ‘there is no greater ethical concern or frankly conspiracy’ than ‘whether this president is compromised because of his illegal ties to his family members.’ 

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.