Germany Decriminalizes Child Pornography Offenses – Media Blackout

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Possession and distribution of child pornography is no longer a crime in Germany, after the Federal cabinet voted to change the criminal law provisions regarding child sexual abuse material.

Pedophiles found in possession of child pornography will now be charged with misdemeanors, rather than crimes, as the normalization of pedophilia continues to pick up speed in the Western world.

Tageschau report:

“The classification as a misdemeanor – rather than as a crime – is also urgently necessary in order to be able to respond appropriately to the large proportion of young perpetrators and with the necessary flexibility, the draft law states. Because these usually acted “from a drive typical of the youthful state of development such as innality, curiosity, adventure lust or striving.”

“Among other things, the draft law will reduce the penalty for the distribution of such material from one year to six months and for procurement and possession from one year to three months.”

WEF founder Klaus Schwab and German Chancellor Olaf Sholz at Davos

Germany is far from the only country moving to radically relax its laws in regards to child sex offences.

Governments across the world, operating under the control of the World Economic Forum, are waging war on our children. Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leaders are systematically attempting to normalize pedophilia and decriminalize sex with children across the world.

In New Zealand, a judge recently declared that 12-year-old children can consent to sex with adults. The case in question featured a 45-year-old man whose defense centered on the claim that his 12-year-old victim “wanted it.” According to the middle-aged man, the 12-year-old girl pressured him for sex.

“I know she was a child but the way she came to me was like a mature woman. I refused her but she kept coming back to me. She truly wanted to do this,” the 45-year-old said of the child who was 12 at the time.

In the final days of the trial, Judge Earwaker addressed the issue of consent for a person under 16 years, according to a New Zealand Herald report:

Legally, a person under 16 cannot give consent for charges of indecent acts, therefore as a jury, all you need to decide is if the indecent acts took place,” he said.

Then came the kicker. The judge told the jury:

But as for sexual intercourse, a person under 16 can give consent. You need to consider whether or not the consent was given based on the evidence you have.”

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New Zealand has fallen.

But they are not the only ones.

Emmanuel Macron was re-elected as president of France earlier this in an election widely regarded as suspect. It’s perhaps no surprise that he is also one of Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leaders and France is also normalizing pedophilia.

President Macron’s government voted against having an age of consent in France in 2018, becoming one of the first nations to give in to pressure from an international cabal determined to decriminalize sex with children across the world.

This means federal law in France has no legal age of consent, and adults who have sex with children of any age will not be prosecuted for rape if the child victim is unable to prove “violence, threat, duress, or surprise.”

The draft bill against sexual and gender-based violence, known as the Schiappa law, was signed into law by the French Parliament on 3 August, sparking outrage in France as parents and children’s rights groups accused Macron’s government of betraying the nation’s children.

The lack of an age of consent places millions of children in serious danger of sexual abuse in France, according to child protection officials.

If anything, that is an understatement. But should they be surprised? Like Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand, Macron is one of Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leaders. They are all hell-bent on waging war against our children.

Love him or loathe him, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned us years ago that the global elite plan to normalize pedophilia in the West. According to Putin, the global elite engage in Satan worship. “Do as thou wilt” is their motto. It appears he was correct.

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.