Head Of Paypal Wants Brain Chips to Replace Passwords

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Head Of Paypal Wants Brain Chips to Replace Passwords

How do you like the idea of having your identification embedded into your brain in the form of a chip?….all for greater password security and convenience of course.

Well, you may not have to wait too long as Paypals development head, Jonathan LeBlanc  is already pushing implantable brain chips as a replacement for passwords – though he insists that such technology must be made to fit inside “cultural norms” before it is accepted by the general public.

Paul Joseph Watson reports: In a presentation called ‘Kill All Passwords’, LeBlanc admits that the future of authentication security is “going to get creepy” as traditional passwords are phased out due to their innumerable security flaws.

LeBlanc envisages using brain chips to measure thought patterns so that childhood memories could be invoked by the user to unlock their computer.

LeBlanc also discusses how bio-hacking companies are already using embedded NFC and RFID tags to unlock doors. In January, the BBC reported on a company in Sweden that was implanting its workers with computer chips under the skin in order for them to access the building.

“Daily ID chips” with wi-fi sensors could also be swallowed by employees to provide secure authentication, says LeBlanc.

Paypal is currently working with partners to get the ball rolling on such technology, a process LeBlanc says is part of the payment processor becoming a “thought leader” on the transition.

“I can’t speculate as to what PayPal will do in the future, but we’re looking at new techniques – we do have fingerprint scanning that is being worked on right now – so we’re definitely looking at the identity field,” LeBlanc told the Wall Street Journal.

“Realistically the ones that will succeed, whether it’s embeddable, ingestible, injectible or what have you, are the ones that are going to play into cultural norms, the ones that are going to meet the demands of the populace overall….and not be creepy, so even though they seem creepy at the current time, the future are gonna be the ones that hit those cultural norms,” said LeBlanc.

LeBlanc’s identification of “cultural norms” as a major hurdle to be overcome before the public becomes comfortable with wearable ID technology or implantable chips echoes similar sentiments made by Google executive Regina Dugan.


Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.