Illegal Alien Breaks Legs Jumping New 30-Foot Border Wall

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community
An illegal alien attempting to enter the United States has fallen from a new 30-foot high wall in southern California, breaking both his legs after landing on American soil.

An illegal alien attempting to enter the United States has fallen from a new 30-foot high wall in southern California, breaking both his legs after landing on American soil.

Border Patrol surveillance video shows the man lying motionless on the ground after heaving his body over the new bollard-style barrier Sunday night in downtown Calexico, east of San Diego.

According to paramedics, the illegal alien broke both of his legs and may have injured his back. He was taken to a hospital in Palm Springs, according to the Associated Press.

A 30-foot-high US-Mexico border wall.

The Border Patrol didn’t identify the man. Spokesman Carlos Pitones says the U.S. government typically pays medical expenses for people who are injured crossing the border illegally and they are deported after recovery.

The Trump administration is replacing a 2-mile stretch of barrier made from recycled metal scraps and landing mat with the new 30-foot-tall bollard-style wall in an effort to prevent illegal aliens entering the United States in California.

While the topic of a US-Mexico border wall may not be garnering column inches and outraged CNN headlines (mostly because Trump has not been talking about it), quietly, and behind the scenes, the Trump administration has been working to fulfill the campaign promise. The border wall is happening.

Per Vox: The process of building a wall started weeks after the inauguration, when the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) put out requests for contractors to submit bids on two different projects.

One was for a border wall made of concrete, and the other was for a border wall made of “other materials”; the latter had to be something that border patrol agents would be able to see through. (When Trump alluded to the wall needing to be “see-through,” he was mocked widely, but he was actually echoing a demand made by border patrol agents themselves.)

  • In April, submissions closed; as many as 450 companies submitted bids.
  • In August 2017, the Department of Homeland Security announced that six contractors had been elected to build eight prototype segments (two contractors were selected to build both concrete and “other” wall models).
  • In October 2017, the prototypes were built in Otay Mesa, California.
  • In December 2017, the government started tests to see if the prototypes held up to the government’s demands for impenetrability. An unnamed official described the training to the Associated Press: “Military special forces based in Florida and U.S. Customs and Border Protection special units spent three weeks trying to breach and scale the eight models in San Diego, using jackhammers, saws, torches and other tools and climbing devices.”
  • In January, the government announced that the prototypes had all passed testing. An official told the AP that the best model would likely incorporate various prototype designs, but that a see-through wall — in the form of steel poles (also called bollards) topped by concrete — was the best overall design.

Fox News contributor Katie Pavlich claimed in March that “members of our Navy SEAL community” had been involved in testing efforts and hadn’t been able to breach the wall. She was wrong — the Navy says that no SEALs were involved in border wall testing — and was roundly mocked for it.

But many of the people mocking her may not have realized that she really wasn’t that far off — there were special forces involved in the testing, and the testing was in fact successful. Paying attention to the exaggeration allowed people to keep treating the wall as a fantasy instead of recognizing that an exaggeration about who tested wall prototypes meant there was something to test.

Make no mistake, the border wall is happening.

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.