Klaus Schwab Declares He Will Still Be Running The WEF When He Is Into His 100s

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Klaus Schwab WEF

Klaus Schwab has declared he will still be running the World Economic Forum (WEF) when he is well into his hundreds, despite his colleagues demanding that he put a succession plan in place.

According to reports a mutiny attempt has engulfed this year’s WEF conference at Davos, with senior elites surrounding the organisation demanding that its leader, arch-globalist Klaus Schwab, put in place plans for his own replacement. Apparently many believe that former British PM and war criminial Tony Blair is a strong contender for the role.

WEF insiders also claim that Schwab has a “god complex” and often refers to himself as a type of holy leader for the elites.

Breitbart reports: Schwab appears to now be publicly fighting off attempts to have him removed, with the WEF leader publicly declaring that he will be running the organisation well into his 100s at one of the most notable addresses at the event this year.

The founder of the conference made the announcement while chairing a special address by Germany’s leftist Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, who focused heavily on his country’s green agenda.

Telling the conference about how his successor will be lauding Germany’s green achievements when speaking to the conference in 2045, Schwab interjected that he looked forward to being the person that will host such a panel.

“I just want to say that I look forward to chair[ing] the session with your successor,” Schwab said.

This prompted laughter from Scholz, whom insisted that he was “sure” that the WEF leader would indeed be around to chair the discussion in twenty-two years.

With Schwab set to turn 85 years old this year, he would likely be 106 years old by the time such an address by a German chancellor in 2045 occurs, assuming the conference is held at around the same time that year.

Although it is unclear how serious Schwab was when making the statement, it nevertheless appears to be a shot across the bow for his fellow globalists, a significant number of whom are now demanding that he surrenders his position at the top of the influential World Economic Forum to a worthy successor.

Rumblings that both current and former staffers within the organisation were hunting for regime change came earlier in the week with reports that many were unsure of the organisation’s future with Schwab at the helm, with many anonymously expressing fear that there is no plan for a successor when Schwab does eventually leave.

Such rumblings have since exploded into outright revolt, with The Guardian reporting a number of current and former employees of the organisation as now demanding a plan detailing Schwab’s deposition be put in place.

“Klaus has been at the helm of the WEF for 52 years,” staffers reportedly told the publication. “When he was born 122 of the 195 states in the world right now did not even exist. He is completely unaccountable to anyone inside and outside the organisation.”

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.