MSNBC Health Analyst Demands Criminal Charges Against Governors Who Ban Mask Mandates

Fact checked
Dr Redlener MSNBC

MSNBC public health analyst Dr. Irwin Redlener says that he has “put together a consortium of legal experts who can advise how to proceed with potential criminal charges against governors” who ban mask mandates and vaccine requirements in their States.

Redlener made his comments during the program “Andrea Mitchell Reports” on Monday

Breitbart reports: Redlener said, “We have people dying because policies are inadequate. I am furious that we’re letting governors get away with these crazy regulations, these efforts to stop districts and their states from enforcing basic principles that we know are scientifically sound.

They could have prevented, who knows how many of those tragic deaths. I’m thinking this has got to be some level of criminal negligence on the part of the governors who are promulgating this nonsense and keeping places, organizations, and locations from doing the right thing to protect their students and their teachers. I actually have spoken to some legal counsel about how much immunity do governors actually have from getting sued and, more, being criminally responsible for policies that are killing people. Hate to be so blunt, but that’s what this is coming down to.”

He added, “We’re going to put together a consortium of legal experts who can advise how to proceed with potential criminal charges against governors who are being so willfully, intentionally ignoring of the principles that we need to save lives in our schools among teachers and ultimately among students. We have a lot of work to do on this, but they cannot remain non-accountable for these policy decisions.”


  1. Maybe ‘We the People” should demand this clown quit breathing ASAP – Just another un-elected tyrant – climb a tree and jump out of the top

  2. Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA vaccine, suggests considering Ivermectin as a treatment to Covid-19 instead of the vaccine, and postulates that the pharmaceutical companies are actively discouraging trials based on drugs that have already passed their patent exclusivity periods. Literally pushing the vaccine until they come up with “new” drugs to treat the sick that they can profit from.

    The whole video is worth listening to, but jumping to 24 minutes through 30 minutes focusses on his warning about the misuse of the vaccine with respect to people under 65, and the potential risk of a resulting “super virus”.

    This site will not allow the link, but if you go to The Epoch Times site and search for “Dr. Robert Malone” at the top , and select Part 2; you will see the video.

    I realize that there are many people who object to the use of this vaccine, even for the people over 65. Clearly there are risks to the vaccine that must be balanced against the risks that people over 65 will take if they do not take the vaccine. I believe that everyone should get as much information as they can and make up their own mind about the vaccine. I reject the government ordering everyone to take the vaccine, and I reject individuals who order people to not take the vaccine. People opposing the vaccine should provide the links that convinced them to reject the vaccine, so other people can get that information too.

    • I believe I recorded Mr. Malone from his interview on the Epoch Thought Leaders. What I never realized until recently was while the CDC, Anthony Fauci , and others who bear the title Dr. in their honoraria. Not one of them will administer the shot …….Nor any physician, orthopedist, cardiologist , gynecologist, nephrologist have ever administered the vaccine to a patient. Why is that? Thats sounds strange since doctors will write a script for a vaccine but tell the patent to go to a third party like pharmacies or mass inoculation sites. And what you will notice at those mass inoculations sites are there is never a doctor . Some will have an EMT but no MD. While the CDC says get the vaccine the AMA tells its clients not to give the said vaccine.

      • Howdy idleobserver. I tried to find any evidence that the AMA ordered doctors to not give out the vaccine shots, to no avail. I would be interested if you can find any information about that. I think the reason most people are not surprised that doctors are not giving out the shots is that their time is too valuable.

        To put things in perspective, when I was in the army the doctors didn’t give out the shots to anyone either. If there are about a thousand shots to deliver in one day, the doctors should be spending their time doing something that only a doctor can do rather than something that a high school graduate can do. A High school Graduate trained as a tech, working on a shot line for 1,000 patients over 8 hours, getting paid $15/hr; vs a doctor getting paid $250/hr. Again, I would be interested if you can find any information about that.

        • Respectfully @BacSi. The discussion on the AMA advising who shouldn’t inject vaccine was a verbal discussion on television with a panel of 5 , two being MDs, a lawyer and insurance something or another, At the time the reasoning for not administering an un-approved drug dealt with the threat of lawsuits and malpractice insurance. I called the vaccine hotline for a high rick family member and asked for the name of a doctor who would push the plunger and they couldn’t give me an answer even in a city like Chicago.

          And if you’re going to mention costs. Milliton dollar vaccine lotteries, $100 dollar gift cards, concert tickets, other incentives don’t come cheap. And if vaccines are the answer to ending the pandemic , why aren’t doctors stepping up to the plate and donating their time.

          • Howdy again idleobserver. I appreciate that information very much. The video I mentioned by Dr. Robert Malone (the inventor of mRNA vaccine), in my original post, points out that the vaccine is not the answer to the pandemic, and is inappropriate for people under 65. He also states quite directly that the world is taking a terrible risk by mandating universal vaccinations, and he explains why in very specific terms. After everything I’ve heard, its clear that the best thing people under 65 could do is to actually seek out the Covid virus and develop long term immunity to it as quickly as they can before it turns more deadly.

      • And when the run the ads here they never inject the celebrities but just hold the needle next to their arm, but when they’re doung peasants they stick it right in and squirt.

    • They’ve always done that The foreword yo the Lancet or British journal of Gastroenterology directed readers to only seek out research that would maximise profits.

      • Howdy Anonymous. You make me reflect on mankind’s existence. On an evolutionary scale, we are within arm’s reach of the tree we climbed down from. On the one hand, we have Capitalism which uses profits as a tool to maximize efficiency that helps guide our culture. On the other hand, we have Socialism, with the likes of Biden, AOC, Mao, Stalin, Castro, Hitler, and an army of other tyrants who couldn’t care a whit about the people they govern in a “planned” economy. Well, it’s only been about 5,000 years since the first written word. Maybe in another 5,000 years we will develop something better.

  3. we have to get all kinds of shots in america from the time we are born and wearing a medical mask is good-who would want surgery without masks and gloves PPE`s.The SUPER BUG stage one=MU could have been wiped out by never letting it be born as in de/massing and stopping the spred by muti/billions of incubations progressing the geno of the virus.The governators should be locked up for sending the poor public school kids to the death warehouses called public schools without PPE`s and shots/MANY MORE TEARS IN HEAVEN.I don`t think that their kids or they are setting in the public school warehouses for of covid many now having to close again

    • Not true. Kids were never at risk from COVID It’s well proven unless they were sickly and likely to have a short life anyway. And since you’ve all been stabbed full of things like formaldehyde haven’t you notices there has been the worst most deadly viruses like AIDS and now COVID? So kids don’t get Mumps now Big deal And when they get vaccinated against chicken pix they will get shingles from that sooner or later whereas they may not have if they just got chicken pix like kids everywhere did until the 1970s And measles And building natural immunity to those makes people’s immune systems Naturally stronger which benefits their children and grandchildren Vaccines do the opposite.

  4. sick old public warehouse schools full of kickbacks and pay off`s to the staff.Clean out the toxic`s and get yer shots as the grave yards are full of dead custodians whom died trying to mop up the toxics.wear a mask move up and on or be in those grave yards before your time also

    • Honestly it’s so corrupt When “the world’s most powerful man” President Trump was being sediriously harassed by Pelosi and her Coven , from all of Americas legal arena all Trump could get to defend him against the stolen election was a, sadly past itv, broke and broken Tudy zguiliani and little fresh faced naive Jenba Ellis to represent him in what is one of the most historic cases in American history.? Somethings very very wrong with the whole picture. And Jenba Ellis has resigned from the repuican party in protest against its corruption So where is she going to go? Mars?

  5. Always back to the corrupt law from these democratic types and still the republicans can’t find any lawyers to step up. Why?

  6. If he and his Satanic Cabal succeed in cornering a hundred and fifty million Americans, it could be the end of this insanity.

    1. His target are the Americans who own most of the three hundred million guns and three trillion rounds of ammo.
    2. His tactics have been used for centuries by Babylonian Satanists, but NEVER against a well armed populace.
    3. Even a cornered mouse can be dangerous

    4. Cornered Palestinians have been known to blow themselves up to take out a few of their enemy.

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