‘I Will Never Vote Democrat Again,’ Say Dems on C-SPAN After Nasty Nancy’s Tantrum

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community
C-SPAN asked people to call in and give their opinions on the State of the Union and many Democrat voters were unhappy with Nancy Pelosi.

This is the most satisfying video you will see all week.

After Nancy Pelosi threw her toys out of the pram at the State of the Union on Tuesday, she felt very smug about herself as the mainstream media attempted to make her out to be a hero.

Democrat voters in the real world, on the other hand, felt differently.

It turns out that most Americans think you should stand up and clap for the good things that happen in the US instead of sulking and pouting on your butt like a spoiled child.

C-SPAN asked people, including Democrats, to call in and give their opinions on the SOTU. What happened after that was brilliant.


PJMedia report:

I’m a Democrat, but I no longer will vote Democrat,” said one caller.

I think it’s outrageous that they sat there when all these good things are happening to our country and how much we love our country. And they looked like they hated our country…It’s outrageous and I will never vote Democrat again.”

She went on to say that all her family voted for Hillary last time but this time they will never vote for a Democrat again.

But she wasn’t the only one.

A man called in and said, “Let me put it this way, I’ve been a Democrat for 70-some years and what I saw tonight was appalling to me…it was very disrespectful to this president and I didn’t vote for him…but that man is the president and we should respect him.” He continued, “What I’ve seen tonight of the Democrat party, I am changing my mind…I’ll probably stay home. I’m embarrassed being a God-danged Democrat for what they did in the House today.

Then he had me rolling on the floor with this. “They looked like a bunch of dadgum idiots sitting there.” Hear, hear!

A woman from Mississippi called in to give the Democrats a piece of her mind.

I watched my president give a speech on everything great that’s happening in our country but yet, Nancy Pelosi and the others who were dressed in white, I might add, just sitting over there, never standing, never clapping for anything that might be good for the country—I don’t understand it. I used to be a Democrat, and I am no longer a Democrat.

And there’s more than that. It’s a slaughter.

According to people who watched it live, there were many more calls saying the same thing. All the Democrats had to do was look normal, and they couldn’t even do that. It’s almost as if they have a death wish.

I’m not complaining, but dang! That was some seriously bad optics, folks!

Considering that the Trump rally in New Jersey drew a crowd of 25% Democrats (who were all cheering and screaming for the president) I think they are in big, YUGE trouble.

What do you think?

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.