Saudi-Led Coalition Still Bombing Yemen Despite Calling Off Air Campaign

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Saudi-Led Coalition Still Bombing Yemen Despite Calling Off Air Campaign

Despite the declaration from Saudi officials last night that airstrikes has been halted against its neighbor, Saudi-led coalition fighter jets have continued to target many areas across Yemen on Wednesday.

Just hours later after the Saudi announcement, air strikes and ground fighting resumed. The International Red Cross described the humanitarian situation as “catastrophic”

Fars News Agency report:

The Saudi warplanes resumed their air raids on Yemen on Wednesday, hitting the central prison in Taiz city, while reports from Sana’a and Saada said heavy bombings by the Saudi-led coalition continued since this morning.

The Saudi border guards also fired mortar shells and rockets at the Northern Yemeni villages hours after their country declared end of aggression on Yemen.

According to al-Mayadeen television, Saudi border guards fired rockets and mortar shells at the Northern Yemeni villages in Saada governorate.

The Saudi warplanes also hit the Faj Attan district in the capital, Sana’a, Wednesday afternoon.

Meanwhile, the Saudi-led coalition conducted heavy air raids on Saada governorate, bombing al-Manarzaleh and al-Malahiz areas.

Also, witnesses said warships of the Saudi-coalition forces fired rockets and missiles at several areas in the Yemeni city of Aden.

Eye-witnesses said they have seen American warships firing at Aden, but an army officer deployed in the city said the vessels are “Egyptian navy”.

The Saudi fighter jets also hit many areas in al-Waht town Northwest of Aden.

Saudi air strikes were also reported in the Yemeni city of Lahij.

According to FNA dispatches, tens of people have been killed and many more wounded in the Saudis’ continued airstrikes across the war-stricken country on Wednesday.

Also on Wednesday, Ansarullah Revolutionaries regained control of an army base that had been seized by loyalists to fugitive president Mansour Hadi.

Ansarullah fighters clashed with pro-Hadi militants, and managed to regain control of Brigade 35 Base that had earlier fallen into the hands of the Saudi-backed militants.

Meantime, hundreds of thousands of Yemeni people showed up in the streets of the capital, Sana’a, on Wednesday to protest against the Saudi-led airstrikes that have left thousands killed and injured.

The Yemeni protesters demonstrated against the Saudi-led coalition air raids on their country, chanting slogans against US, Israel and the Al Saud royal family.

The also said that Saudi Arabia is a tool and agent of US and Israel.


Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15207 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.