Scientists Reveal The Way To Tell If A Couple Is Happily In Love

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For four years, researchers followed 169 couples in their first marriage and discovered a tell-tale that determines whether a couple is happily in love.

How can you tell if a couple is happily in love? Regular sickeningly sweet photos on Facebook? Couple rings? Using hashtags like #romantic, #dinner, #luckyme, #love, #cute, #blessed, #loved? What about baby talk and finishing each other’s sentences?

According to science, the best way to tell if a couple is happily in love is by looking at their waistlines.

Yourtango report that research at the National Center for Biotechnology Information found that couples who report satisfaction in their marriage tend to GAIN weight.

For a period of four years, researchers followed 169 couples in their first marriage. They measured the couples’ weight twice a year, and asked questions about their marital life and overall satisfaction.

The results? People in happy marriages gained a significant amount of weight.

Meanwhile, those who remained slim reported rocky marriages that eventually ended in divorce.

The researchers theorize that the phenomena has something to do with attracting mates. Happier couples no longer feel the need to attract a new mate; therefore, there’s less stress on appearance. Meanwhile, those in rocky relationships maintain their slim figure to continue attracting mates.

Although these couples don’t have to worry about their partner only loving them for their looks, it raises the question of whether stable relationships have a negative impact on health.

Psychologist Andrea L. Meltzer, who led the research, said that couples should pay attention when it comes to their weight gain, because it can lead to health consequences such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

“By focusing more on weight in terms of health implications as opposed to appearance implications, satisfied couples may be able to avoid potentially unhealthy weight gain over time in their marriages,” she said.

There’s nothing wrong with not paying attention to your appearance, because you’re confident that your spouse would continue to love you despite it.

However, health should not be compromised, even for love.

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.