Snopes Caught Lying For Pedophile Democrat – Questions Raised

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community
Snopes has been caught lying for a Democrat politician again, attempting to brush a damaging pedophilia scandal under the carpet.

Snopes has been caught lying for a Democrat politician again, attempting to brush a damaging pedophilia scandal under the carpet, endangering the safety of young girls, and proving that it is willing to mislead its readers in order to advance the cause of the Democratic Party establishment.

This is the final nail in the coffin for Snopes. The embattled “fact checking” website has now been exposed as a political PR operation, raising serious questions about their future as a Facebook and Google certified arbiter of truth, with Facebook refusing to confirm they will be retaining Snopes as a “trusted partner”.

In February this year, Michael Saari, a Michigan Democrat politician currently running for Congress, posted derogatory Facebook comments about the judge who sentenced osteopath Larry Nassar in the sexual abuse of hundreds of American gymnasts.

As part of a Facebook discussion in response to the sentencing, Mr. Saari defended the convicted pedophile and condemned the judge who found him guilty. His comments included the following:

Judge was wrong for her personal vocal opinions on record… That should be a crime against jurisprudence itself… Lastly, what do you think this feminazi judge would say if her husband asked for a BJ?

His comments angered many Facebook users, including some who combed through his older posts and found that Mr. Saari had been posting pro-pedophilia comments on his personal Facebook page for years, including sharing his belief that it is “normal” for adult men to marry and have sex with pre-pubescent girls.

According to screen shots Mr. Saari’s posts included:

Woman [sic] don’t seem to understand that from the very beginning of time men have taken young girls (Prior to periods) as wives and concubines. Even the bible talks of this so don’t make it sound like men that are attracted to 12 year old girls are sick…It’s you woman [sic] that can’t get a grip on reality is whats sick… It’s only normal and you can’t change normal or a persons DNA…

Mr. Saari is also on record saying he considers a young girl “fair game” as soon as she has her first period.

This is when Snopes got involved, “fact checking” the claim that Mr. Saari, a Democrat politician, had made “pro-pedophilia” comments on social media.

From the Snopes article investigating the claims that Mr. Saari had made “pro-pedophilia” comments:

In a 1 February interview with a Michigan-based Patch site, Saari denied having written those words. According to Patch, Saari said he believed someone had fabricated the screen shots, and added: “I’ve never made those comments. It’s not my character.”

On 5 February, however, Saari told us by phone that the post was authentic and was published by his Facebook account, but that it was the result of a hack, and that he personally did not write it. Saari said: 

“When I ran for Congress as a Democrat in 2014, my Facebook was hacked…The biblical thing [the post about young girls] did not come from me.”

When the Snopes writer pointed out that the post in question was from 2016, and asked Mr. Saari if his account had remained hacked for two years, the Democrat politician came out with one of the most implausible excuses in the history of lying politicians:

From what I can understand, yes,” before adding “I’m not a computer guy.”

The Snopes writer then asked Mr. Saari if he notified Facebook that his account had been hacked. Mr. Saari said he had not.

Per Snopes:

When asked, Saari said he had not notified Facebook that he believed his account had been hacked, and told us the damage to his reputation was so extreme that such efforts would be a waste of time. 

Seems like an open and shut case, right? So what conclusion do you think Snopes the “trusted fact checkers” arrived at while writing their article about the Democrat politician?



Unproven? Not the verdict any reasonable person would expect. But then Snopes are not engaged in the business of being reasonable.

Despite the fact Mr. Saari provided Snopes with one of the most transparent, self-serving and pathetic lies in political history, the “fact checking” website could not find it within themselves to debunk his absurd statements. Instead, Snopes provide cover for Saari, attempt to muddy the waters, and officially state that claims the Democrat Congressional candidate wrote “pro-pedophilia” posts on Facebook are “UNPROVEN”.

But it gets even WORSE.

While Snopes, official fact checking partners with Facebook, could not get the truth out of Mr. Saari, mainstream outlets like, hardly known for their intrepid investigative reporting, managed to get Mr. Saari to admit the posts were his own with only minimal prodding.

Speaking to a Babe writer on the phone, Mr. Saari made reference to the post he wrote about girls being ready for sexual congress with adult men as soon as they have their first period. He admitted:

That statement is an absolute fact. And I also yesterday put on Facebook the fact that about biblical times that women, this is according to the article, were taken prior to their periods. And they would not have sex with them until they had their periods. This is what the article said. So I posted that underneath my comments yesterday on Facebook so that everyone can see I’m not a nut.

Now that Mr. Saari is on record admitting he wrote the posts, Snopes has been exposed as a dishonest, partisan outlet that does not deserve the trust placed in its operation by Facebook and Google.

There can be no doubt Snopes was dishonestly spinning for Saari because he is a Democrat. No reasonable individual would believe Mr. Saari’s lies. There is not a court of law in the land who would accept his claims as legitimate.

By attempting to cover for him and brush the scandal under the carpet, Snopes have dug a hole for themselves.

This is the final nail in the coffin for Snopes. The pedophilia cover-up scandal is now out in the open.

Even one example of bias-fed misrepresentation ends any justifiable trust readers can have that the site is fair, objective and trustworthy. But there is far more than one example of Snopes’ dishonest bias.

Are Snopes really this incompetent at fact checking? Or are they actually engaged in a different occupation altogether – the business of propaganda and PR?

Snopes’ track record proves that it has a political and partisan agenda, and that it is willing to mislead and deceive its readers to advance it. They simply cannot be trusted.

The pedophilia cover-up is one scandal too far for the embattled “fact checkers” at Snopes.

CEO David Mikkelson is currently battling an internal fraud lawsuit launched by colleagues. This scandal, which has drained company funds to the point they have had to beg for public donations twice in the last six months, followed hot on the heels of revelations that he used company funds (and we are talking hundreds of thousands of dollars) on high-end prostitutes and trips around the world with his favorite escort, who later became a Snopes administrator and his second wife.

The value of Snopes’ currency is at an all-time low. Can they recover? Maybe, but not without…

  • Getting out of the political fact-checking business
  • Removing the tainted, alleged fraudster David Mikkelson as CEO.
  • Confessing its betrayal of trust and capitulation to liberal bias, apologizing, and taking remedial measures.

With all the misinformation on the web, a trustworthy website like Snopes is supposed to be is essential. Unfortunately, a site that is the purveyor of falsity and political spin cannot also be the antidote for it.

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.