Starving Yemeni Parents Selling Off Daughters As Young As Three For food

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community

War in Yemen is forcing some starving families to marry off their young daughters, some as young as three years old.

Starving Yemeni families have revealed how they were left with no choice but to sell their young daughters as child brides to older men, in order to use the dowry for food and shelter to help save the rest of the family according to the charity Oxfam

RT reports: The relatives planned to use the money, paid for the child brides, to buy food and shelter.

“They think this is the only way” to stay alive, Oxfam’s director for Yemen, Muhsin Siddiquey, told RT. “They can bring the dowry, and that can protect the whole family and other extended members.”

Overall, “10 million are just on the brink of famine” in Yemen, he said, adding that the four years of war also sparked “the worst cholera crisis in the century.”

“If the humanitarian assistance is not provided timely” and the food supply becomes “nonfunctional even for a day… there will be much more catastrophic situations,” Siddiquey stressed.

The conflict in Yemen, exacerbated by the Saudi-led intervention in 2015, placed a heavy toll on the civilian population, with 400,000 children suffering from “life-threatening” malnutrition, according to the UN figures.

Housing also remains an acute problem since much of homes were demolished by deadly air raids.

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.