UK Teacher Fired For Refusing To Use 8 Yr-Old’s Trans Pronouns & Raising Safety Concerns

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community

A christian primary schoolteacher has been fired and is facing investigations from various regulatory bodies for questioning the advice from leading LGBT charities to encourage the ‘gender transition’ of an eight year-old pupil without any medical evidence.

The pupil, known only as ‘Child X’ believed that she was born into the wrong body and wanted to be treated as a boy.

Following ‘advice’ from the trans rights organisations Mermaids and Stonewall, the local council instructed all school staff always to refer to the child by male pronouns and her chosen male name. The school was also told that the child should use the boys’ toilets, dressing rooms and dormitories as requested.

The Daily Sceptic reports: The teacher known as ‘Hannah’ (not her real name) invoked the school’s and the council’s whistleblowing procedure to argue that this approach was not based on medical evidence or compliance with the safeguarding procedures and was putting the child’s health and welfare at risk.

Supported by the Christian Legal Centre, Hannah relied on several expert reports from scientists and doctors highlighting the dangers of encouraging ‘gender transition’ in young children.

After her concern was brushed aside, Hannah brought a claim for judicial review against the school and the council.

The court ordered that the local council, the school and all its staff must remain anonymous to ensure this does not lead to a jigsaw identification of the child.

In response to Hannah’s legal action, the school summarily dismissed her for divulging confidential information to her lawyers and to the court.

The school reported Hannah to the Information Commissioner for a criminal offence under the Data Protection Act. The Information Commissioner has concluded there was no evidence of a criminal offence and decided to take no further action.

The school also reported Hannah to the professional regulator, Teaching Regulation Agency (TRA), for an alleged confidentiality breach. The TRA is currently investigating the case. If found guilty of professional misconduct, Hannah may face a lifelong ban from the profession.

Reporting Hannah to the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS), the school sought to bar her from teaching. The DBS, however, has declined to impose a ban pending further enquiries following an investigation. 

After a life-long career as a professional teacher, Hannah has been forced to find a job in a sandwich bar.

She has now brought a claim in Employment Tribunal against the school for victimising her for whistleblowing, unfair dismissal and religious discrimination.

She has alleged that the school dismissed her, and reported her to a raft of regulators, for blowing the whistle on the school’s practice which endangered the child’s safety, health and welfare.

The Employment Tribunal is expected to hear the claim in August 2024.

Hannah has this week written to Education Secretary, Gillian Keegan, requesting a meeting to discuss her case. 

Her case and the TRA investigation come despite a scathing report published last month by think tank Policy Exchange. 

The report reveals the disturbing extent of extreme transgender and gender identity ideology in U.K. schools. In the foreword to the report Rosie Duffield MP writes: “A generation of children are being let down, because well-established safeguarding standards are being compromised.”’

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15206 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.