US Hands 19,000 Bombs Over To Saudis Who Pass Them To ISIS

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Saudi Arabia are receiving billions of dollars worth of heavy ammunition from the United States, which is being used covertly to fight Russia in order to weaken their strategy against ISIS. 

To strengthen its air force, the Islamist monarchy are looking to purchase over 19,000 bombs, totalling 1.29 billion dollars, from the US government. reports:

Saudi Arabia is one of the United States’ key allies in the Middle East. The agreement on Iran’s nuclear program has caused tension in the relationship. Saudi Arabia is engaged in a power struggle with Tehran for control in the Gulf. The Saudi Arabian air force is launching air attacks in Yemen, whose government is not accepted by the Saudis. These attacks are recognized by the international community as unlawful.

The Saudis play a special role in Syria. They sit at the table at the Syrian peace talks in Vienna, when in fact, it is they who support the terrorists who are in a fight against the Russians. It’s unclear whether the Saudis are acting on behalf of the Americans. In any case, it can’t be ruled out that those U.S.-provided bombs will eventually be used in Syria, too.

In Saudi Arabia, human rights apply only in the context of a religious fundamentalist theocracy. Up to this point, protests out of the EU and the U.S. have been only scarcely perceived.

The arms shipment includes some 12,000 bombs with a combat weight of 500 to 2000 pounds, 1500 bunker-busting bombs, and more than 6,000 laser-guided precision bombs. According to Washington data, bomb arsenal from the Saudi Arabian armed forces will be heavily taxed by “the high level of deployment in several anti-terrorist operations”. Saudi Arabia participates in the U.S.-led air strikes against the Islamic State jihadi militia in Syria.


  1. “It’s unclear whether the Saudis are acting on behalf of the Americans”. Nope, they are acting on behalf of England (the UK). Study History! You’ll find out Britain created the city what is today called Saudi Arabia and Wahhabism so the Muslims would never again unite and to combat Islam. The real name for that land is Hijaz.

  2. “It’s unclear whether the Saudis are acting on behalf of the Americans”. Nope, they are acting on behalf of England (the UK). Study History! You’ll find out Britain created the city what is today called Saudi Arabia and Wahhabism so the Muslims would never again unite and to combat Islam. The real name for that land is Hijaz.

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