WEF Order Govt’s To Strip Parents of All Rights: ‘Children Belong to The State’

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The globalist war on children opened a new front this week as California Gov. Gavin Newsom responded to longstanding globalist pressure by signing AB1955, a bill which threatens to allow the state to take away your children for the crime of being an interested and concerned mother or father.

The globalist war on children opened a new front this week as California Gov. Gavin Newsom responded to longstanding globalist pressure by signing AB1955, a bill which threatens to allow the state to take away your children for the crime of being an interested and concerned mother or father.

The globalist elite have long dreamed of the day they can enact their longstanding plans to destroy the nuclear family and seize ownership of children, and now they are making their move.

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When Schwab says jump, globalist like Gov. Gavin Newsom sign legislation like Assembly Bill 1955, a new law that instructs school districts to lie to and keep secrets from parents about their own children. 

Newsom’s unprecedented new law specifically instructs school officials to lie to parents if their child changes their gender, name or pronouns at school.

What does this depraved groomer’s bill mean in reality? It means our children can be injected with life-changing – and life-threatening – hormones and chemicals, without our knowledge or consent.

It means that the communist dream of state-reared children has finally arrived in America, the land of the free, as Gavin Newsom claims ownership of millions of children, declaring that the Democrats who run the state know better than the children’s parents.

The global elite have conscripted the mainstream media to spread propaganda supporting the disturbing new law.

According to MSNBC host Melissa Harris Perry, American parents need to understand that kids do not belong to their parents or their families.

Instead, your kids belong to the community.

If this disturbing new push to separate children from their families is giving you deja vu, it’s because it has long been a goal of the globalist elite and their technocommunist agenda.

First lady Hillary Clinton infamously declared that it takes a village to raise a child – and conservatives at the time were right to question her intentions.

Chelsea Clinton, who previously insisted that a person with a beard and a penis “can absolutely be a woman,” is now dedicating her time and resources to promoting the dissemination of hardcore pornographic material in our schools.

According to Chelsea, it is “harmful” for children to grow up in an environment without experimental pornography.

To put Chelsea’s statement in context, the book she is recommending contains sexually explicit material, including visual depictions of oral sex, anal sex, masturbation and, most disturbingly, adult sexual contact with a minor.

That’s right, Chelsea Clinton is endorsing a book that promotes pedophilia.

We probably shouldn’t be surprised considering who raised her. This is a portrait of her father found in the mansion of the notorious pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, his close friend.

It seems the apple didn’t fall far from the tree.

Under AB1955, parents will never know if their children are experimenting with hardcore pornography at school, undergoing sex-change hormonal therapy, and changing gender in the community.

This is the globalist’s wet dream and they have identified 2024 as the year to leave no stone unturned to make it happen.

The World Economic Forum has identified 2024 as the year they begin to brainwash children with a view to indoctrinating them into the globalist agenda from as young an age as possible.

To this effect, Klaus Schwab’s right-hand-man Yuval Noah Harari has written a book for children titled Unstoppable Us.

Harari’s goal is to brainwash children into letting go of all customs and traditions, disregarding Christian religious beliefs, and throwing this cultural baggage in the trashcan in favor of the New World Order’s technocratic communism.

The WEF is now calling for schools to introduce children as young as 4-years-old to hardcore pornography in an effort to encourage children to “explore their sexuality and gender options” outside of the family home.

According to the WEF, there is a right-wing campaign to deny children the human right of enjoying their sexuality and trying on different genders for size away from the prying eyes of parents.

The elite are at war with our children and they are not even trying to hide it anymore. Do you ever get the feeling they are mocking us?

How about when Satanic witch and globalist Marina Abramovic dumps real, coagulated blood on child effigies?

Or how about when you see the new statue outside what used to be the Women’s Museum in Aarhus, liberal Denmark, but has now been renamed the Gender Museum. Hundreds of school children attend this museum every day.

Or how about when countries like Germany change the criminal law provisions regarding child sexual abuse material?

Possession and distribution of child pornography is no longer a crime in Germany, after the Federal cabinet responded to globalist pressure and voted to change the law.

German news outlet Tagesschau reported on the sickening news, explaining that lawmakers downgraded possession of child porn to a misdemeanor in part because there are too many pedophiles to send to prison.

In Spain, another EU country, pedophiles are now being openly embraced by sections of the far-left population who are encouraging men in relationships with extremely young girls to show off their victims in Pride Parades – all in the name of tolerance and diversity.

The WEF has yet to provide any evidence that sexualizing children at an early age will have any benefits for anybody – with the obvious exception of groomers, pedophiles and perverts.

This hasn’t stopped the mainstream media from jumping on the bandwagon and promoting the WEF’s depraved far-left war on children.

CNN, always at the forefront of the globalist agenda, has been urging its viewers to join the campaign to normalize grooming.

According to CNN, anyone who uses the term “groomer” describe someone trying to sexualize children should be canceled and banned from social media platforms.

This is how the globalist elite shut down free speech and promote immorality. In the US, they claim you are being homophobic, transphobic, or racist.

According to the mainstream in 2024, obesity is healthy. The vaccines are not causing people to keel over and die. Abortion is love. Dementia is clarity. And biological men who identify as women do not have any physical advantage over female athletes in sport.

George Orwell warned us about about these times. He said they would convince us that war is peace. How right he was.

Only time will tell if the campaign to destroy the family unit is accepted by more countries around the world.

But one thing’s for sure: parents who do not want their children to be raised by a village are not going down without a fight.

And nor should they.

More and more people are refusing to submit to the WEF’s tyrannical demands. Brave activists and rebels are rising up to fight back against the global elite, determined to defend their sovereignty at any cost, determined to protect their families and those they love.

Will you join them in the fight for freedom, or will you cower in fear and submit to the demands of the global elite? The choice is yours. But whatever you do, do not underestimate the consequences of your choices.

Here at the People’s Voice we are determined to continue holding the global elite to account for their crimes against humanity but we need your help. Subscribe to the channel, tell your friends and family about us, and join the People’s Voice Locals community and check out the new forum. I hope to see you there.


Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6307 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.