World’s 12th largest city to run out of water in just 60 days

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World's 12th largest city to run out of water in just 60 days

Sao Paulo in South East Brazil is home to 20+ million people, making it the 12th largest city on a planet….shockingly, the city is running out of water and “has about two months of guaranteed water supply remaining as it taps into the second of three emergency reserves,” according to Reuters.

Natural News reports: Technical reserves have already been released, and as the city enters the heavy water use holiday season, its 20 million residents are riding on a fast-track collision course with severe water rationing and devastating disruptions.

But this isn’t a story about Sao Paulo; it’s a report that dares to point out that human societies are incredibly shortsighted and nearly incapable of sustainably populating planet Earth. In numerous regions around the world — including California, India, Oklahoma, Brazil, China and many more — human populations are rapidly out-growing the capacity of their local water systems. Even though keeping populations alive requires food… and growing food requires water… almost no nation or government in the world seems to be able to limit water consumption of local populations to levels which are sustainable in the long term.

Instead, the endless greed of the “grow-consume-profit” business model that dominates the global economy leaves no room for any hint of balance with nature. The overriding philosophy of modern business is to dominate nature with chemicals, mining and monoculture to maximize profit while kicking any really large problems down the road for the next generation to deal with.

The result is a world where nobody thinks about the long-term implications of today’s trends because everybody’s too busy trying to extract a buck or two out of the very system that will destroy their future.

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Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.