Aso Thinks Aloud: Hitler Had The Right Motivation …Mmm

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Japanese Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso says Adolf Hitler, who persecuted and killed millions of ‘Jews’ and ‘undesirables’ in Nazi Europe during WW2, had the “right motives.”

He later retracted his remark after criticism from home and abroad.

Newsweek reports:

The comment was made in an address to lawmakers of his ruling Liberal Democratic Party to provide an example that politicians are remembered for the results they achieve regardless of their motivations.

“Hitler, who killed millions of people, is no good even if his motive was right,” Aso said, as quoted by the Japanese Kyodo news agency.

The remarks sparked outrage, and the main opposition Democratic Party questioned his suitability for his two roles—Aso is both deputy prime minister and minister of finance.

Aso then issued a statement clarifying his position on Hitler’s crimes and retracting his comments.

“It was inappropriate to use Hitler as an example, and I retract that,” Aso said, according to the statement quoted in Reuters. “That I am very opposed to Hitler is clear from the entirety of my remarks, and it’s clear that Hitler’s motivations were wrong.”

“My comments differ from my feelings, and it’s regrettable that they caused misunderstanding,” he added.

But it wasn’t Aso’s first so-called “gaffe” involving Hitler or the Nazi regime, with whom the Japanese Empire sided during World War II. In discussing Japan’s constitutional revision in July 2013, Aso spoke of how his country could learn from the Nazis, who had changed Germany’s Weimar constitution “unnoticed.”

“Why don’t we learn that technique?” Aso said. He later withdrew his remarks.

The conservative minister also has a long history of making headlines for other controversial comments. In 2016, he wondered aloud how long a 90-year-old pensioner intended to keep living.

In 2006, Aso provoked China’s anger suggesting the Japanese colonial rule of Taiwan was the reason why the island currently enjoys high educational standards. And in 2001, he shared his ambition to turn Japan into a place where “the richest Jews would want to live in.”

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Edmondo Burr
About Edmondo Burr 3498 Articles
BA Economics/Statistics CEO