Biden Gets Lost On Stage…Again

Fact checked
Joe Biden

US President Joe Biden squinted and mumbled his way through while reading a teleprompter at SUNY Westchester Community College, New York on Wednesday.…..then got lost on stage.

As well as telling awkward stories about his family and lying about his accomplishments, he falsely claimed that House Republicans will cut veterans’ health care visits if they don’t bend to his demands on the debt ceiling.

But to cap if all off he couldn’t remember which way to get off the stage?

There are two ways to get on and off the stage, but when he gets lost, which is nearly all the time, Biden always need to check with someone else…


  1. It’s easy to pull the wool over the American’s eyes.

    But this is Different, as we are now in a World War With Russia, where Joe Biden has launched the NATO “Counter-Offensive in Ukraine to try to capture Crimea.

  2. This is what some smart and skillful people are saying: Joe Biden has a stand-in for Joe’s bad days.

    The Daily Dot – “The other Joe Biden has an earlobe that…
    hts://www.facebook › dailydot › posts › the-oth…
    People are convinced Biden’s ‘changing’ earlobes prove he has a body double. Conspiracy theorists are convinced that President-elect Joe Biden has been using a …

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