Candace Owens Slams AOC As “Incomprehensibly Stupid” Over Her Attack On Kayleigh McEnany

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AOC Candace Owens

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortrez has accused White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany of racism and demanded an apology for referring to her as a ‘Biden adviser’ during a press briefing on Monday.

AOC lashed out after seeing a tweet from Politico’s Jake Sherman saying that McEnany had called the New York Democrat from the podium ‘Biden adviser Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.’

The reality was that McEnany had actually referred to AOC as a congresswoman in the sentence before.

AOC, however, quickly reacted by bringing up how the difficulties of being “a person of color” may have had something to do with it.

During a press briefing on June 8, McEnany said that President Trump was “appalled” at the defund the police movement and she named and shamed a few “sitting Congresswomen” who were backing the movement.

She mentioned Rashida Tlaib and “Biden advisor” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as two that are backing the movement.

News Thud reports: Politico’s Jake Sherman tagged AOC in a tweet that said McEnany said “from the podium: ‘Biden adviser Alexandria Ocasio Cortez.’”

AOC was not happy and snapped back without having watched the full press conference and accused McEnany of racism for not calling her Congresswoman.

AOC then got all arrogant and embarrassed herself saying she would “look forward to her apology.”

“@PressSec wouldn’t be the first person to mistake a women of color for having a lower position or title than she does, but Kayleigh – in case you haven’t picked up a newspaper in two years, I’m a Congresswoman,” AOC tweeted.

“The @PressSec comment is steeped in a long, hurtful, & horrendous history of stripping women of color of titles and diminishing them to “the help.”” AOC continued.

“Perhaps she isn’t aware that what she did is mired in racist history. If that is the case, I look forward to her apology tomorrow.”

Enter Candace Owens:

“This is incomprehensibly stupid. Referring to someone as an advisor is not a form of racism.

“Jared Kushner, who is infinitely brighter and more accomplished than you will ever be, is an advisor.

“You can also “advise” while you are in congress. You did it for Bernie, imbecile.

“You are stupid. Not because you are a woman of color, but because you are stupid.

“And it’s not @PressSec’s fault.”

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.