Clinton Asks Judge To Throw Out Trump’s Lawsuit

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community
Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton filed court papers this week asking a Florida federal judge to throw out Donald Trump’s lawsuit that accuses her and the Democratic National Committee of conspiring against him to smear his 2016 campaign.

She claims that Trump’s $24 million lawsuit was filed too late and does not allege any provable facts.

The Mail Online reports: The former first lady’s court filing compared Trump’s lawsuit to a ‘fundraising tool, a press release or a list of political grievances’ but said it has no place ‘as a lawsuit, and should be dismissed with prejudice.’

The ex-president sued his 2016 Democratic opponent and dozens of others in March for an ‘unthinkable plot’ to ‘weave a false narrative’ that he was colluding with a hostile foreign power during that election cycle to ‘cripple Trump’s bid for presidency.’

Clinton ‘vigorously denies’ Trump’s accusations, but even if they were true, argued that he ‘fails to plead any cognizable legal causes of action,’ the filing obtained by Axios states.

Her attorneys also claimed that some of the Republican’s accusations — including conspiring with the FBI and Christopher Steele on the British ex-spy’s infamous dossier — would run out of the statute of limitations even if Trump had a case.

They cite proof his allegations were made ‘no later than October 29, 2017, when [Trump] publicly asserted that Clinton was responsible for the Steele Dossier, “the Comey fix,” and “phony” stories on his collusion with Russia, and claimed the facts of the alleged conspiracy were “pouring out”.’ 

‘But notwithstanding his rousing, all-caps call to action, Plaintiff waited four years, four months, and twenty-four days before filing suit. His delay renders each of his claims untimely,’ they state.

Clinton’s attorneys claim Trump’s lawsuit is so full of lies that ‘the only factually supported allegations concerning Clinton in the lengthy Complaint’ is the date she declared she was running for president. 

They dismiss his arguments as ‘fact-free pleading’ that the federal Florida court they were filed in should ‘reject.’

‘At most, [Trump] alleges that other entities sought to further Clinton’s candidacy and, after the election, politically opposed [Trump’s] administration. This is conduct plainly protected by the First Amendment, and there is nothing unlawful about engagement in political activity,’ Clinton’s team said.

Defendants also named in Trump’s suit include former FBI Director James Comey, former FBI agent Peter Strzok, ex-FBI lawyer and Strzok’s former lover Lisa Page, the Democratic National Committee and others. 

Acting in concert, the Defendants maliciously conspired to weave a false narrative that their Republican opponent, Donald J. Trump, was colluding with a hostile foreign sovereignty,’ the lawsuit states.

Trump claimed that, as a result, he was ‘forced to incur expenses’ upwards of $24 million and that those costs are ‘continuing to accrue, in the form of defense costs, legal fees, and related expenses.’

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.