Elite Pedo Victim Claims ‘Hung’ Michelle Obama Attended Satanic Sex Parties

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Welcome back to the People's Voice where breaking news out of the Obama household raises the question - is absolutely everything about Barack and Michelle a carefully constructed lie?

Welcome back to the People’s Voice where breaking news out of the Obama household raises the question – is absolutely everything about Barack and Michelle a carefully constructed lie?

The dark truth about Michelle Obama has been hiding in plain sight for years now.

Michelle’s high school boyfriend has confirmed she is in fact a biological male, and child rape victims are coming forward to testify they were raped by the former first lady – when she was a man.

Then there is the eye test. Some things simply cannot be unseen.

Then there is Barack Obama, whose own family have outed him as a closeted homosexual, as has his college girlfriend, and multiple former male lovers. How many people have to come forward before the mainstream media accept their liberal pin-up boy might not be who he claims to be?

If everything about the Obamas is a lie, then questions must be asked – who are they, and why are the elite so determined to protect them?

Before we dive in, subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already, join the People’s Voice Locals community to join our incredible community and support the channel, and check out the brand new forum.

There is a spiritual war raging for our souls and the future of Western civilization.

The elite are determined to turn father against son, husband against wife, and further divide society until we are weak, confused, and debilitated.

Women are the givers of life and are critical to humanity’s life cycle, which is why the Satanic technocracy is using transgender ideology to dehumanize and eradicate them from the cultural lexicon.

Step forward the Obamas. Darlings of the international left, they are the poster couple of the New World Order’s Satanic spiritual war on humanity.

Birds of a feather flock together and Obamas friends are slowly but surely being exposed as pedophiles, perverts and all-round bad eggs.

People who have lived a lie tend to have skeletons in their closets and the Obamas are no exception. As the former First Couple re-enter public life, people from their past are queuing up to blow the whistle about who they really are.

Last year, Barack Obama’s college girlfriend told an interviewer that the young Barack shared gay sex fantasies with her, acknowledging that he “made love to men daily, but in his imagination.”

Did the imaginary become reality when he met Larry Sinclair, who provided Tucker Carlson with an account of his intimate experiences with then State Senator Obama?

Or how about when Obama met Michael Robinson?

Michelle Obama’s ex-boyfriend David Upchurch has come forward to reveal that “she” is actually a man named Michael Robinson and only became “Michelle” after meeting Barack Obama and having prospects of becoming First Lady.

According to Upchurch, who dated Michelle Obama during high school, Barack Obama is a “lucky man” having a partner as “talented and versatile” as the former Michael. He also revealed that Michael is hung like a horse.

Which makes the growing number of accusations against Michelle from numerous child rape victims even more disturbing.

A child sex victim has blown the whistle on Michelle Obama and testified that she raped her, when Michelle was a man.

Ally Carter is right when she says everybody in the establishment is complicit.

Consider the difference between when a credible accusation gets leveled against Biden and a non-credible woman accuses president Trump of rape.

Tara Reade, who was Biden’s Senate staffer during the 80s and alleges Biden pushed her against the wall and sexually assaulted her, has had to flee to Russia due to fears for her safety.

Meanwhile, despite countless holes in her story, E. Jean Carroll was awarded $83.3 million in damages after accusing Trump of something similar.

What can explain the difference? Biden is in the club and Trump is not. This also explains why J.F.K. met his end as he rode in a motorcade in Dealey Plaza in downtown Dallas. The elite do not accept non-compromised leaders.

This is the reality of our diseased, evil world. There are thousands of pedophiles in high positions throughout every part of our society, from the judicial system to the education system, to law enforcement agencies to child protection services.

We are living in a world where Michelle Obama’s high school boyfriend can confirm she is a biological man and the mainstream media, whose job is to inform the masses, decides to cover up the story.

Unfortunately for the mainstream media, the evidence against the Obamas does not end there, and they simply cannot cover up the kind of truth that we have up our sleeve.

As the elite continue to wage a spiritual war against humanity, it has never been more important to understand who Michael LaVaughan Robinson really is.

According to official documents obtained from the Illinois State Board of Elections, former First Lady Michelle Obama was registered to vote as a man from 1994 until 2008. The official documents also reveal Obama officially changed her sex to female in 2008, the same year her husband was running for the presidency.

The official documents were obtained from the state of Illinois by liberal documentary maker Joel Gilbert who explains he decided to “take a serious approach” to learn about Michelle Obama’s background because the mainstream media refuses to touch the topic.

But Gilbert didn’t expect to find proof that she registered to vote as a man for fourteen years.

It’s all just one big coincidence according to the mainstream media who are saying we should not believe our own eyes, high school boyfriends, former gay lovers, multiple credible allegations, or official government documents.

According to the media, we also should not believe Barack Obama’s own family members when they blow the whistle on who Michelle really is.

On Twitter, Barack’s older brother Malik has repeatedly hinted that he knows the truth about the Obamas.

He also hinted that he understands his sister-in-law Michelle is not exactly what she claims to be.

Before he suddenly clammed up, deleted the original tweet, and refused to confirm or deny the allegations about Michelle, whom he continues to call “BIG MIKE.”

Malik obviously does not want to go the same way as Joan Rivers who died after what was supposed to be a minor throat procedure less than two months after exposing the Obamas.

Tellingly, Barack Obama himself has repeatedly slipped up and called her “Michael”… over and over again.

Hmm… Have you ever met a man who accidentally calls his wife by a man’s name… repeatedly?

The Obamas have been pretending to be something they are not since they first emerged on the national scene.

Here at the People’s Voice we are determined to continue holding the global elite to account for their crimes against humanity but we need your support. Subscribe to the channel, tell your friends and family about us, join the People’s Voice Locals community, and check out the new forum. I hope to see you there.


Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.