Google Infiltrated By ‘Doomsday Cult’ Accused of Sex Trafficking

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Google has been infiltrated by a Californian “doomsday cult” whose members believe humanity exists in a state of “waking sleep”. The cult also has a long history of sex trafficking.

According to The New York Times, the Fellowship of Friends is a “cult-like religious sect” that’s infiltrated Google headquarters in San Francisco, gaining control in the corridors of power.

The Fellowship of Friends was founded in California in 1970 by Robert Earl Burton, who engaged in bizarre sex rituals, is alleged to have slept with one hundred people per day during “love fests”, ordered all pregnant women to have abortions, and preyed on young males.

Now Burton’s group has reportedly gained a powerful position at Google, the world’s most powerful company, and has started to hiring more members of the “cult-like sect”. According to the New York Times investigation, this process has been happening for years.

The Fellowship of Friends was founded by Robert Earl Burton (right) in 1970
Robert Earl Burton and the Fellowship of Friends

The Sun report: A former Google employee is now suing over the situation. Former Google employee Kevin Lloyd told the NYT: “Once you become aware of this, you become responsible.”

That’s why Lloyd is putting a legal case against Google.

He’s using a lawyer that won $6.5 million for a client who claimed she hadn’t been promoted because she wasn’t a member of the Fellowship of Friends.

It’s unclear how many Google employees are actually members of the Fellowship.

The group is also known as Living Presence and the Fourth Way School.

It has faced multiple damning accusations in the past and the new lawsuit accuses it of having a history of sex trafficking.

The Fellowship was founded by Robert Earl Burton in 1970.

He predicted that civilization is doomed and his group aims to form a new civilization after the one we know now is over.

We reached out to Google for comment and a spokesperson told us: “We have long-standing employee and supplier policies in place to prevent discrimination and conflicts of interest, and we take those seriously.

“It’s against the law to ask for the religious affiliations of those who work for us or for our suppliers, but we’ll of course thoroughly look into these allegations for any irregularities or improper contracting practices.

If we find evidence of policy violations, we will take action.

We investigated the concerns Mr. Lloyd raised in his lawsuit, and confirmed that his vendor assignment ended due to well-documented performance issues.”

Baxter Dmitry

Baxter Dmitry

Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.
Baxter Dmitry


  1. Whenever they have to hide behind self serving laws designed for Secrecy you know they’re satanic.

    • He was promoted and fired at the same time. They promoted him and his pay cheques, the last two were at the higher wage, but they fired him and at the time the person firing him told him he didn’t know why.According to him also the only female member out if 81 angels is Queen Elizabeth According to him I wonder if she even knows?

  2. “The Fellowship was founded by Robert Earl Burton in 1970.
    He predicted that civilization is doomed.”
    With idiots like this running around loose – I agree civilization is doomed.

      • Yes, he IS right – civilization is doomed, unless something extraordinary happens. And yes, he’s also an idiot but
        even idiots can be right sometimes.

  3. They can call it whatever they want, it is satanism.
    They always confuse people by naming something the exact opposite of what it really is.
    It is really the slavery of enemies, under a false idolatry of a demonic entity in a human body, that calls himself, Rob Burton, and he robs people of their souls. Every cult from the Process church, to NXIVM, is just an imitation of what Hell is like and has nothing in it of what Heaven is like. It is just like communism. Communism is nothing like communism/community sharing, no money needed at all because all are equal. It is the exact opposite. Communism is just a new form of capitalism where the state takes the place of the capitalist class, and there is no equal wealth sharing. Capitalism in the USA is just like communism only the state and the capitalist class pretend not to be one unit, all freemasonic satanists, and there is no equal wealth sharing. You have a 2 class system, rich freemasons who got all the good jobs and do not have to pay for college or pay back loans or even pass exams to get degrees they climb to the top over people who are truly qualified and worked hard and paid for their educations. Who do the will of their masters, the soulless, having sold their souls to get tot he top 33 degree Masons=Illuminati, who are doing the will of the top Luciferians who are the banking and finance non-human entities in human bodies, who got that way by preforming satanic rituals that please Lucifer, and make sure every money making enterprise they run, destroys the earth, which then causes the earth in turn, to spit back disasters and cataclysms, that cause what they call climate change, and blame all of you for it. Then they LIE and say they are against climate change, and punish all of you for creating it, for profit and to do more harm to the environment. They became the elite, by doing satanic rituals that involve participation in the things that are only done in Hell, sex orgies, drugs and drinking the blood and eating the flesh of living victims, that are usually too tiny and weak and helpless or tied down and can’t defend themselves, so they can take in life force energy and get more “power” = more demons from Hell infesting them. You in America and in all the wealthiest nations are run by satanists. They would not be the wealthiest nations oif they did not worship Lucifer. They get wealthy just like freemasons do, by serving satan, Lucifer and all the demonic entities from Hell, that now live on the earth, Hell is empty. Their one purpose is to make the earth a dead planet, like Hell, and to destroy the physical life on this planet he made for you who have souls. including animals who have souls. They sacrifice and kill animals too, because they have souls and are helpless.
    Every satanic cult has doctors in them so they can drug victims. That is why they made Eyes wide shut, with a protagonist who was a doctor, to fool you. They do abortions, which is a blood satanic sacrifice ritual. America is a satanic cult. All the wealthiest nations will be the first to be destroyed in the coming purification, America first. America will burn, and there is no life death, after death in Hell for the soulless. It is one endless satanic ritual for eternity. All because you accepted Lucifer’s money system and spread it globally, and made the world enslaved to the NWO, the second kingdom of Hell, the new Hell.
    When the money system is gone very soon, by October, you better learn how people live in Heaven, without any money system of or inequality of needs, where all are free and equal, true communism the way everyone lived before the money system, the way Christ came to teach you, including not eating animals. or you will NEVER know Heaven after this earth dies and becomes a dead planet the one the NWO is really working towards making it become, very soon. Animals have souls, they do not kill and eat animals in heaven, only in HELL. The first Christians lived like Jesus taught them to they were vegetarians for the first 300 years. It is a historical fact, one they never mention. Because they are all feemasons, satanists or top capstone, Luciferians in a pyramid of inequality, the money system, that feeds off your ignorance. They have made you ignorant, using science. Telling you all the old ancient knowledge is superstition and myth. They took that from you to destroy you and enslave you, and feed you BS in its place. That is the same thing a CULT does. That is what satanism has done to you. Removed/destroyed all you know to be right and truth, and replace it with their LIES and acceptance of what is only done in HELL. God gave up on you after that, it is only you who can save yourselves and your souls now. You have to repent and ask for God’s help or be lost to him forever. In Hell you will devolve into demons in the image of the devil. When you lose your souls, you will have only the lizard brain consciousness, of fear and hate, like the NWO elite freemasonic satanic leaders of the earth, soon to be hell do. It is either join them or return to God now. The time of this age is almost up=2023. Heaven is now a one time opportunity only. The freemasons will never be free, they have sold their souls, for moany and power, but if you still have a soul, you better keep it because the alternative is more horrible than you could ever imagine.

  4. NO, google was made by the child sex occultists from the beginning there was no infiltration.

    • Oracle’s. All that paganism disguised behind faux Christianity. Goggles and face books and stutter and mumble and all their sense of humour mocking the world in its face, for its sheer stupidity, and the sheep so dumb they take every bait.

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