Trump Proven Right: Evidence Shows Millions of Ballots Being Sabotaged

Fact checked
Evidence shows millions of ballots for Trump destroyed

2024 presidential Candidate and 45th President Donald Trump has been proven right yet again after new evidence emerged this weekend proving that millions of ballots were destroyed during the 2022 election.

A new video reveals the true extent of Maricopa County’s secret machine tampering, where they reprogrammed the voting machines on October 14th, 17th, and 18th so that a whopping 59% of them would fail when Republican voters came in to vote on Election Day.

This is irrefutable evidence in Kari Lake’s stolen election contest. Lake attorney Kurt Olsen told reporters that “this evidence would support our allegation that this election was rigged.” reports: Maricopa County was reprogramming its machines after they were already certified! The real “errors” occurred on Election Day, when the machines failed to tabulate ballots, causing massive lines, wait times, and disenfranchisement of Republican Election Day voters who turned out three times as much as Democrats.

This video cites Maricopa County Elections Director Scott Jarrett’s declaration, where he attests under oath that “Beginning on October 14th and occurring through October 18th, Maricopa County installed the new memory cards that had the certified Election Program. Due to the reformatting, the logs from the memory cards would have a start date of either October 14, 17, or 18.”

In the video below, County employees can be seen breaking into sealed equipment, removing the already programmed memory cards, and replacing them with reprogrammed cards.

In the next video, on October 14th, these reprogrammed machines can be seen jamming as employees test them, just as they did on Election Day. Still, the County claims this testing was not done in secret, despite no public warning, oversight, or media presence, nor was it testing.

Additionally, this illegal testing occurred with no documentation or logging of tamper-evident seals in violation of the Elections Procedures Manual and the law.

These criminals have been caught!

Watch below:

Kari Lake War Room tweeted the full video, stating,

On October 14th, 17th & 18th, Maricopa County performed secret testing on the tabulators This was AFTER the legally required Logic & Accuracy test 260 of 446 tabulators failed They were used on election day anyway. Where 59% failed This is the story of a sabotage.

DC Draino retweeted Kari Lake War Room commenting,

Maricopa County election officials illegally broke into sealed election machines and installed reprogrammed memory cards.


New *video evidence* of Maricopa election officials illegally breaking into sealed election machines after they were tested, reprogramming memory cards, and reinstalling them 59% of these machines would shut down on election day in GOP areas They’ve been CAUGHT

The Gateway Pundit spoke with a Kari Lake attorney on Sunday who described this as illegal activity by Maricopa County.

Maricopa County Attorney Rachel Mitchell tried to sanction Kari Lake’s attorneys over these claims, but here’s the proof!

The Gateway Pundit reported that Kari Lake plans to appeal the bogus ruling. Lake said in a recent press conference she will “continue pushing our case to the United States Supreme Court.”


  1. OMG anyway who hadn’t realised they only invented democracy to deceive the world’s a retard imo .

    • FLIP!!!FLIP!!!!FLIP burger BOY U slave anyway&stay off line OR TRUMP SAY your FIRED SWEATshop pigfface go GRUNT grunt BKmous

    • People use the word, “democracy” but aren’t pressed to elaborate on its meaning.

      “Democracy” – as envisioned by America’s Founders – was not as exercised by the French revolutionaries, which only substituted the “tyranny of majority” for the tyranny of aristocracy.

      “Democracy” – in the paradigm of the Founders – was to be Popular “self-government by consent” in acknowledgement of our common inheritance of Life from our common Creator.

      From Life derives Liberty, and under Liberty we pursue Happiness, which necessarily demands government limited to only such powers as do not void the Natural – Divinely-endowed – rights which each Person equally possesses, each inseparable from the other.

      “Happiness” demands the faculty of consent. Forced abnegation of Natural rights is violence, and violence destroys happiness, liberty, and thus the Gift of Life itself.

      Patrick Henry’s famous speech solidifies this point when he presented this ultimatum:

      “Gentlemen may cry, ‘Peace, Peace,’ but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms!

      Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? … Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!

      I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!”

      Mr. Henry rightly understood that without liberty – the full body of our Natural rights – Life itself is without value. Our rights are bound indivisibly to our lives: to void the former is to destroy the latter, and as “white light” is composed of its irreducible components of red, yellow, and blue, so also is “life” composed of consciousness, free will, and agency, such that attenuation or abnegation of any of the three abolishes the whole.

      Without all of our Natural rights, our lives are destroyed, even as the removal or attenuation of any of the color-components of “white light” destroys it.

      None of these Natural rights can cast so much as a shadow upon another without being a violation – without being “tyranny”.

      Consider what Thomas Jefferson – who wrote of the “self-evident truths” which are the bedrock of Just human government – said about “liberty”:

      “Of ‘Liberty’ I would say that, in the whole plenitude of its extent, it is unobstructed action according to our will.

      But Rightful Liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others.

      I do not add “within the limits of the law,”…

      [Opposing Montesqeiu’s assertion that ‘liberty is the right to do what the law permits‘]

      “…because law is often but the tyrant’s will, and always so when it violates the right of an individual.”

      What’s being sold to the world as “Democracy” is, in fact, the “tyranny of majority”, and is incompatable with the American Constitutional republic.

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