WEF Insider Brags ‘False Flag’ on Power Grid Will Result in Holocaust of Non-Compliant Humans

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The World Economic Forum is planning a major power grid and cyber attack that will cause widespread power loss, disconnecting the vast majority of Americans from the power grid and the internet, plunging the nation into unprecedented chaos for years.

The World Economic Forum is planning a major power grid and cyber attack that will cause widespread power loss, disconnecting the vast majority of Americans from the power grid and the internet, plunging the nation into unprecedented chaos for years, according to a WEF insider who warns the globalist elite are viewing the attack as their Noah’s Ark moment.

While the majority of the population will be left to fend for themselves in a desperate fight for survival that most will lose, those who have been designated “upgraded humans” by Davos will be saved by what the WEF is calling their “Technological Noah’s Ark.

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According to the WEF, the power grid attack will leave most of the country in darkness for years, and the cyber attack will be so vast it disconnects the internet for all except those with satellite phones, plunging the nation into chaos.

It is from this chaos that a phoenix will rise from the ashes, according to the WEF insider, who explained exactly how the global elite plan to seize control of the US, removing our fundamental freedoms, and ushering in the Great Reset.

First, let’s take a look at what Klaus Schwab has already said on the matter. And pay attention to his body language.

You don’t have to be an expert in body language to understand Schwab’s excitement about the major cyber attack.

The global elite have laid the groundwork with the Covid pandemic, pre-programming the masses, and this is the final nail in the coffin.

First of all, it is important to remember freedom isn’t free. We can’t take freedom for granted when the globalist elite are working to take it from us.

The elite are determined to unleash chaos in America and then they plan to strike once. As Obama said, Never let a good crisis go to waste. According to the WEF, the massive power grid and cyber strike can be used to plunge America into chaos, while framing their enemy, the freedom loving patriots of America, with the crime.

There are 18 key transformer points across the United States. This is not news – it has been detailed in Senate reports for years. By striking the majority of these transformer points, America will be plunged into darkness for two to three years.

This will enable the Biden administration, working on behalf of the globalist elite, to bring in martial law and rationing, in the guise of so-called “Responsible consumption,” which just so happens to be the theme at this years COP28 in the United Arab Emirates.

The EU tried the concept of “demand reduction” by raising energy prices by 500% in the past 12 months. But they could not reduce consumption enough to hit the WEF’s sadistic Net Zero targets.

So the next concept to be implemented is “supply restriction.” In the aftermath of the power grid attack, the electricity supply will be severely rationed for years, completely changing life as we know it in America.

They also have a scapegoat lined up to take the fall. Of course they are going to blame conservatives and conspiracy theorists. Mainstream media has already begun the pre-programming. Watch:

It remains to be seen if the normies fall for the mainstream media’s lies. Thanks to the tireless work of alt-media and people like yourself, more and more people are waking up and rejecting the globalist agenda.

This is a critical moment in history and we need to continue doing the good work.

Klaus Schwab’s assistant Yuval Noah Harari, known as the “Prophet” in Davos circles, has compared the vast cyber and power grid attack on the United States to the Bibical tale of Noah’s Ark, when a great flood that covered the entire surface of the earth.

But instead of a literal ark carrying us to safety, Harari says the global elite have a Technological Noah’s Ark that will save the special minority of “upgraded humans” from the mass extinction event.

Harari has given us an indication of who will survive the WEF’s attack. The minority who have signed up to the WEF’s techno-communist future, those who have connected themselves to the network, the vaccinated and boosted, the enslaved.

If this sounds crazy, you must understand who we are dealing with. Klaus Schwab and his cronies are operating with the belief that they are literally gods.

Here is the rub. Harari knows exactly who is going to perish in the great crisis caused by the globalist elite. This is the Great Depopulation Agenda in action. Watch as he dismissively refers to them as “homo sapiens.”

The globalist elite cannot stop talking about their plot to depopulate the world, and now they are becoming specific with their plans.

The one percent of the one percent — and their sympathizers in business and politics — all seem to be in agreement that the Great Reset is a great idea. And the fact no ordinary person shares their enthusiasm does not seem to bother them one bit.

But the future does not belong to them and the people are slowly but surely waking up to their agenda.

Here at the People’s Voice we are determined to continue exposing the elite but we need your help. Subscribe to the channel and join the People’s Voice Locals community to join our amazing team and gain access to exclusive and uncensored content. I hope to see you there.


Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.