Pope Francis Shares His ‘Vision’ With ‘Omens of Destruction and Desolation For Humanity’

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Pope Francis has threatened humanity with a harrowing vision of the future, saying he has had a vision which contained omens of an even darker future for humanity.

At a Mass at the Vatican on Sunday, the Pope said that he has a dire vision for the world with ‘omens of even greater destruction and desolation’.

The Mass was commemorating the feast of Our Lady Guadalupe, which fell on Monday. But despite the current difficult times for the world – including wars, the rising cost of living, poverty, famine, and an international energy crisis – the Pope said he has a vision that things are going to get a lot worse.

In his homily, the pontiff said ‘it is a bitter time, filled with the rumbling of war, growing injustice, famine, poverty and suffering,’ but at this ‘bleak and disconcerting’ time, there are ‘omens of even greater destruction and desolation’.

He added that at Christmas, God’s ‘divine love and his coming down to us tell us that this too is a propitious time of salvation, in which the Lord, through the Virgin Mother, continues to give us his Son’.

He urged the Vatican congregation ‘to get involved with each other without delay, to go out to meet our brothers and sisters who have been forgotten and discarded by our consumerist and indifferent societies’.

Pope Francis is one of the most hated men in the world today. Those who hate him most are not atheists, or protestants, or Muslims, but Christians and his own followers.

Why do Christians and Catholics hate him so much? Because Pope Francis, who happens to be an Agenda Contributor at the World Economic Forum, is fluent in blasphemy and is actively working to subvert the church and Christianity in general. WATCH:

Disturbingly, world religious leaders are also beginning to come together as one to preach from the same hymn sheet, instructing their sheep to accept the components of the New World Order’s one world government.

In reality, the call for global government and one world religion by Pope Francis and other wealthy elitists has nothing to do with lifting up impoverished nations or “saving humanity.” Such a government would instead guarantee global wealth inequality, global surveillance of the kind promoted by Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum, and a world run by the exact corrupt interests who used the pandemic to consolidate wealth and power worldwide.

So it’s not a coincidence that in 2022 the WEF kicked their anti-religious rhetoric into high gear.

God is dead, according to the World Economic Forum, who have also declared that “Jesus is fake news,” and that WEF leaders have “acquired divine powers” to rule over humanity. WATCH:

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.