Worldwide Study: Nearly 50% of Muslims Marry Their First Cousin

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After extensive scientific research, experts believe that nearly 50 percent of Muslims worldwide are the offspring of first cousins.

After extensive scientific research, experts believe that nearly 50 percent of Muslims worldwide are the offspring of first cousins.

Because of religious and cultural customs, around half of the world’s Muslim population is confirmed to be the offspring of generational inbreeding, meaning that they are the product of incest in some form.

In a study of 20 populous Islamic nations, an average of 49.8 percent of all marriages were to first cousins.

The most disturbing aspect of this statistic is that it doesn’t even include marriages of double first cousins — first cousins who are the offspring of two siblings marrying unrelated siblings of another family.

Pakistan, in which roughly 70 percent of citizens marry first cousins, was also included, which bumped the number up over a full one percent.

Most of us have seen disturbing photos of disorders related to inbreeding, such as macrocephaly (left), microcephaly (middle), and other physical deformities, but the effects of first cousin marriages go even deeper than physical defects.

This uncomfortable truth could be a contributing factor to the mental instability the world is witnessing in Muslim communities worldwide, expressed through violence, persecution, and subjugation; not to mention terror attacks carried out by “mentally ill” jihadis in Europe and the West.

MadWorld reports: Danish psychologist Nicolai Sennels believes that after studying the behavior of Muslim inmates, there is most definitely a risk of lower intelligence, violent temperament, and cognitive development associated with their inbreeding.

Sennels explains that the risk of having an IQ lower than 70 goes up 400% in children who are inbred.

Because Muslims’ religious beliefs prohibit marrying non-Muslims and thus prevents them from adding fresh genetic material to their population, the genetic damage done to their gene pool since their prophet allowed first cousin marriages 1,400 years ago are most likely massive,” he states.

According to an academic study published by Danish Professor Anne-Marie Nybo Andersen in 2009, this repetitive inbreeding not only increases the risk of mental and behavioral disorders but also infant mortality.

One study estimated infant mortality at 12.7 percent for married double first cousins, 7.9 percent for first cousins, 9.2 percent for first cousins once removed/double second cousins, 6.9 percent for second cousins, and 5.1 percent among non-consanguineous progeny.”

Still, a nearly 3 percent rise in risk of infant mortality, regardless of birth defects, doesn’t seem like much of a leap. However, considering that this is not a one-time, solitary intermarriage in most cases, the statistics continue to climb with generations.

If a pair of first cousins marries, their children most likely will be free of defect. After their children marry their first cousins, the genetic gap begins to close, since the first generation offsprings’ first cousins are more closely related and therefore share more similarly constructed DNA.

After 1,400 years of intermarrying first cousins, the results begin to speak for themselves.

Aside from first cousin marriage, other forms of intermarriage are commonplace in Islam. When Reza Gul (pictured) objected to her husband marrying his 6-year-old niece, he cut off her nose as punishment.

For example, the BBC reports that British Pakistanis are 13 times more likely to give birth to children with genetic disorders than their fellow Britons. Although they only produce 3 percent of Britain’s births, they make up nearly one-third of all British children with such birth defects.

Birmingham Primary Care Trust reports that one in ten children from first cousins in the UK city either dies in infancy or develops a serious disability because of their genetics.

Of course, many apologists will tell you that while marrying cousins is allowed under Islam, the practice isn’t encouraged in any way by the religion. This is a lie. Every action performed by the Islamic Prophet Muhammad serves as an example by which Muslims are to live as closely as possible to who Allah considered the “perfect man.”

Muhammad himself encouraged the marrying of first cousins when he wedded Zaynab bint Jahsh, the daughter of his father’s sister. Even more controversial is that this young woman was first the wife of Muhammad’s adopted son, Zayd ibn Haritha, whom the prophet slyly disowned in order to snatch up the man’s ex-wife for himself.

However, Muhammad’s intermarrying doesn’t end there. He also gave his own daughter, Fatimah, in marriage to his first cousin, Ali ibn Abi Talib, who was appointed the fourth rightly-guided Caliph after Muhammad’s death.

So we have an already fundamentally violent religion paired with a required set of equally barbaric and inhumane laws, and it’s being implemented and practiced by 1.6 billion people, around half of whom are inbred, and therefore prone to mental imbalance.

But “diversity is our strength,” right?

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.